AV on closing Delphi 10.2.2 when TestInsight Explorer is docked

Issue #103 resolved
Cesar Romero created an issue

When TestInsight is docked IDE raises exception when closing, If it is not docked or not installed, the AV doesn't happen.

TestInsight version

Downloaded from http://files.dsharp.org/TestInsight/

Attached madExcept error report.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Cannot reproduce - make sure that no other plugin is causing the error - as you can see in the call stack the exception itself is not caused by the TestInsight plugin.

    Also make sure there is no issue in your saved layout.

  2. Cesar Romero reporter

    So far, I only reproduce when it is docked, even when I use the default layout, I have disabled other plugins, but the same still happen when TestInsight is docked.

    I'll let you know if I can find more info.

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