Deadlock of TestInsight/IDE upon compiler error

Issue #104 resolved
Lübbe Onken created an issue

Hi Stefan,

I can reliably reproduce a deadlock in TestInsight 1.1.5/Delphi 10.1 Berlin - Set Testinsight to compile and run the tests upon save (maybe time trigger works too) - Have a test project with a compiler error - Press Ctrl+S and Ctrl+F9 in quick succession

The IDE then shows the compiler error but is otherwise completely dead and must be killed via the task manager.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Looks like the temporary enabling/disabling of background compilation from the save trigger is interfering with the manually triggered one and is thus stuck in the background then. That happens because there is a small explicit delay between the after save event triggered by the IDE and the actual run (which might include compilation - TI is using the exact same mechanism as if you press play or hit F9).

    Any non trigger initiated compilation will stop the save trigger from interfering in the next version. That means, in the scenario described the save trigger will not do anything because compiling yourself will cancel it.

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