Stop the treeview form auto-collapsing

Issue #167 resolved
Christian Oexner created an issue

In the past, when running the tests, the current state of the treeview stayed intact.
Then there was an update which changed that behavior. The treeview now collapses when starting the tests.

We have a large project which seperates the tests into different (sub-)categories. And monitoring the progress of tests has become a pain since this change.
Could you at least make that optional? Thank you!

Comments (9)

  1. Christian Oexner reporter

    To clarify, the tree currently collapses after every finished test. It would be great if the state wouldn't change at all, besides showing the results.

  2. Christian Oexner reporter

    Okay, my issue is resolved, strictly speaking.

    However, it’s not much better now: The tree only updates after everything is done (and doesn’t collapse, so that’s better, thank you), so it feels unresponsive for a few minutes until all our tests are finished. I first thought it wouldn’t work at all now, until I tried with only a small number of tests.

    In the past, every result updated the tree, but didn’t collapse (or expand) anything.

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    The default behavior is to run all the tests and then all results are sent to the IDE. However, processing all the results and refreshing the tree should then not take minutes. I guess the few minutes you mention is actually the time required to run the tests.

    Only if you tick the button with the blue circular arrow every test result is being sent to the IDE one by one as they are executed giving the impression of being more “responsive”.

  4. Christian Oexner reporter

    Now that you mentioned it, I forgot to click the circular arrow. Reinstalled it recently and forgot to click it again.

    Looks good now, thank you!

  5. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Installing new versions should go without the necessity to uninstall the previous version and thus any settings should be kept.

    Please try that out when you install the next version in the future and let me know if it loses any options.

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