No file opened when double clicking on test result

Issue #21 resolved
Steffen Binas created an issue

Environment: XE6, DUnit

When I double click failing tests nothing happened. It should navigate the code editor to the test case. Because my test cases are included conditionally they are not listed in the my .dpr-project file.

I include my tests like this:

unit MyUnit;


I also don't see any tests listed until the complete test suite is run (lasts some minutes in my case, without any visible progress). Is the normal? Maybe TestInsight just doesn't find the tests?

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    To find a file that is not explicitly added to the test project TestInsight is currently using the browsing path from your environment options. I can add the search path from the project in the future.

    As for your other question: TestInsight collects all results and sends them in one batch at the end. If you want to change that behavior insert the following line at line 92 in TestInsight.DUnit .pas: fClient.SendImmediately := True;

  2. Steffen Binas reporter

    I avoid the library path like the plague as it makes it impossible to checkout different branches in different directories. I think using the project search path would than solve my problem.

    Thanks for SendImmediately := True; It works like charm.

  3. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    I wrote browsing path and not library path - that's something different:

    browsing path are those directories the IDE will consider when looking for source file (like when you ctrl+click on a unit in your uses) However that would not solve your problem entirely as it might end up in the wrong "version" given you have multiple.

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