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Issue #24 resolved
Edwin Yip created an issue

Sometimes the error messages are long, and when the TestInsight window is floating and the size is not very large (for example, I flow it at the lower right corner of my Delphi IDE to save my screen real estate), the messages will be cut and not fully shown until you move your mouse hover it, and the yellow hint seems to be appear a little short, can we make it a little longer? Thanks.

Comments (8)

  1. Steffen Binas

    And also add a possibility to copy that message into clipboard. And/Or add a memo field below the tree for the error message (maybe switchable via toolbar). I often show a string representation of a data structure. To compare actual and expected result a hint window is not sufficient. Pure luxery would be a colored diff-viewer for the expected vs. actual result.

  2. Steffen Binas

    There even is a small bug with the hint display: It won't display at all if you are in the "Group by fixture"-tab.

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