Add function to collect tests without having to run them

Issue #45 resolved
Lübbe Onken created an issue

Please add a function that allows to collect all tests in a test suite without having to run them.

Reason: there may be a lot of tests and/or long running tests. When I want to run only a subset of these, I either have to comment some of them out before running them or I have to run all tests and select only those who are of interest to me.

But commenting test out is not always an option. E.g. I'm running a suite of data driven tests (A DUnit File Iterator Extension, based on TestFrameworkFileIterator by Uwe Raabe) and there is no real check/uncheck option in the data. So I have to build all tests first, before I can (un)select some in the test runner. Currently I have to wait until all tests are finished, before I am able to do this.

Having a list of tests before actually running them would be a great help.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    Change the method TSelectedFilter.Match so it reports the test as skipped when fSelectedTests is empty.

  2. Lübbe Onken reporter

    That works, thanks, but now the "run all tests" function never runs the tests :) May I nevertheless suggest a gui button "collect all tests", maybe between "clear results" and "run all tests", that triggers exactly this behaviour?

  3. Lübbe Onken reporter
    • changed status to open

    Sorry for reopening this ticket, but I'd like to get a decision on the subject.

    Right now, following your suggestion for DUnitX, it's in a usable "workaround" state for me, with room for improvement GUI-wise. If you say "won't/can't do in a genric fashion for all DUnit*s", it's fine by me. Just say so in a comment and I won't bother you again.

    I think that a "collect all tests" function would be a great improvement in terms of usability, especially when adding new tests or cherrypicking tests from long running test suites.

  4. Stefan Glienke repo owner

    1.1 will be able to collect the tests by just running the test project but skipping every test (which results in a list of skipped tests to select from)

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