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GoWorks / Home

Getting Started

System Requirements

  • Java 6 or newer
    • Java 7 or newer is recommended; GoWorks takes advantage of performance improvements in this release
  • 512MB free memory for GoWorks to use
    • 1GB free memory is recommended
  • A release of Go should be installed, and the GOROOT environment variable set as described on the Go installation page

Installing GoWorks

With Java and Go already installed on your system, simply download GoWorks from the Tunnel Vision Labs website and extract the files to some fixed location on your system.

Running GoWorks

The GoWorks bin folder includes three binaries. You should launch the one matching your system:

  • Windows, 64-bit Java: goworks/bin/goworks64.exe
  • Windows, 32-bit Java: goworks/bin/goworks.exe
  • Linux, OSX: goworks/bin/goworks


For projects using the directory structure recognized by the Go command, the root folder (the folder containing your src folder) is recognized by GoWorks as a project. To get started in GoWorks, simply use the Open Project... command to open this root folder in the IDE.

The current preview release of GoWorks primarily targets users who already have some Go code they're working on. As such, there is not currently a way to create a new Go project directly within the IDE. To create a new project, create a directory on your system for the project, and add a src folder containing one or more .go source files. GoWorks will then recognize the project folder as a Go project and allow you to open it in the IDE.

Release History

Please see the Release History page.
