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SRE / Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Cascsading Style Sheets (CSS)

Sailwave uses Cascading Style Sheets as does almost every website these days, however Sailwave doesn't implement these quite as neatly as modern websites would generally. Instead Sailwave inserts a <style></style> section within the <head> of each HTML results page.

We've removed the <style> section from the template as it just creates extra bandwidth use. Instead we have created a small plugin (called AddSailwaveCSS) which will add a CSS style sheet into your Joomla Template for you. This is included in the package but you will need to publish the plugin.

Currently there is just one style sheet available: greydays but you could add your own to /media/com_sailwaveimporter/CSS and likely we will copy some of the others from the Sailwave Templates. You will need to specify the name of the style sheet in the plugin. Do not add a .css filename ending in the plugin.

Why not just let Sailwave Control Style?

In our experience, Race Officers / Scorers have a surprising habit of picking styles that perhaps don't "compliment your website's corporate style to the optimum". (In other words - look awful!). It makes far more sense to decide on a style once and set it in stone. Should in the future you wish to change the change will also be retrospectively applied.
