Installation problem regarding the install script

Issue #1 resolved
Yuanchuan Liu created an issue

Thank you for your excellent work. However, when I used your install script to install, it simply failed. The main problem might be related to the install script. I noticed you split the scripts.vim file into several small files and put them into separate folders in previous commits. These changes, however, are not reflected in the install script. I mannually copied the files in indent and plugin as well as the ftdetect folder to the right places in the ~/.vim foler, and added :let g:foam_use_custom_colors=0 to ~/.vimrc, then everything became OK. Now I can see those colours in my OpenFOAM case files.

Comments (8)

  1. Tobias Holzmann repo owner

    This commit fixes #1

    After merging the pull request, there are new folders which contains the files ... this was not replaced in the install script. Now everything is fine again.

    Also readme changed

    → <<cset 877f5f236337>>

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