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tutorial / ReferenceSheet

    ###Initialize a Sigma program

    ####Initialization before defining graph:

    (init &optional <operator-names> <multiagent> <center-discrete-numeric-on-integer>)
    - operator-names: List of operator names used in task or a type definition to use for operator
    multiagent: either the number of agents (integer) or a list of agent names
    (init-operator <type-of-operator-specification> <operator-specification> &optional
    <detect-impasses>); If operators not specified in init, can be specified later via init-operators 

    • type-of-operator-specification: ‘symbols , ‘type or ‘predicates
    • operator-specification: If type is ‘symbols then a list of operator name, if type is ‘type then either a type definition or the name of an existing type, if type is ‘predicates then a list of existing predicate names (predicates must have only universal discrete variables and no user provided variables of type operator ) to use in generating operator instances for combinations of discrete values across variables (each with its own operator id)

    ####Specify the form of selection to use for operators in the selected predicate:

    (operator-selection <best or match-prob or Boltzmann>) ; best is the default  
    ####Define types:
    (new-type type-name &optional :numeric T :discrete T  
    :min min :max max
    :constants constant-list)
    ####Define predicates:
    (predicate predicate-name &optional :world <world>
    :arguments <arguments> :persistent <persistent>
    :unique <unique> :select <select>
    :exponential <exponential> :no-normalize <no-normalize>
    :perception <perception> :function <function>)
    - world: open or closed (defaults to open)
    - arguments: list of arguments
    - argument: (<argument-name> <type-name> &optional <unique-symbol>)
    - unique-symbol: ! (select best) or % (maintain distribution) or $ (select expected value) or ^
    (maintain exponential transform of distribution [* Experimental *]) or = (select by probability matching)
    - persistent: T or nil (overrides defaults, which are T for closed world defaults and nil for open world)
    - unique: name of argument that is non-multiple [set automatically if !, %, $ or = are used], or list of argument names if they are jointly unique
    - select: (nil, best, prob-match, boltzmann or expected ): What kind of selection, if any to do over the unique variable, if there is one [set automatically if !, $ or = are used]
    - exponential: T or nil (whether to exponentiate outgoing messages from WMVN [set automatically if ^ is used])
    - no-normalize: T or nil (whether to normalize outgoing messages from WMVN; may be used to override default of T, and for unique predicates leads to combining positive actions via addition and negative actions via subtraction) - perception: T or nil (whether predicate can receive perceptual information) - function: Can be a number, a list of region functions, a list starting with row-major followed by a list of numbers (requires that all of the arguments be discrete, and that enough numbers are provided to exactly fill all of the regions in row-major order) or the name of another predicate (in which case it shares the same function

    ####Define conditionals:

    (conditional conditional-name
    &optional :conditions ; Quoted list of predicate patterns
    :condacts ; Quoted list of predicate patterns
    :actions ; Quoted list of predicate patterns
    :function-default ; Default value for unspecified regions of function
    :function-variable-names ; Variables in function (in order)
    :normal ; Which variable(s) to normalize over in gradient descent learning
    :function ; Function defined over function-variable-names
    - function Can be a number, a list of region functions, a list starting with row-major followed by a list of numbers (requires that all of the variables be discrete, and that enough numbers are provided to exactly fill all of the regions in row-major order) or the name of another conditional (in which case it shares the same function, which must use the same variables in the same order, and the same :normal variable if there is to be learning)

    ####Define evidence: Define evidence by adding it to individual working memories

    (evidence evidence-list &optional empty-wms)
    (perceive evidence-list) ; More appropriate version for use in perception. It enables
    triggering of episodic and diachronic learning
    ####Define goal for a predicate:
    (goal predicate-name evidence-list) ; First argument is name of original predicate,
    but the evidence list should use the name of its goal predicate (i.e., the original predicate
    name followed by *goal)
    ####Initialize learning:
    (learn &optional <quoted list of learning specifiers>)
    - :gd or :gradient-descent sets learn-via-gradient-descent to T - :e or :episodic sets episodic-learning to T - :am or :action-model sets automatic-action-models and diachronic- prediction to T - :pm or :perception-model sets automatic-perception-models and diachronic-prediction to T - :rl or :reinforcement-learning sets automatic-reinforcement-learning and diachronic-prediction to T

    Any form not mentioned is turned off

    ###Format for predicate patterns (conditions, condacts and actions)

    (<predicate-name> <optional negation-symbol> <elements>) ; element-list must have an element
    for each argument in predicate definition
    - negation-symbol: - - element: (<argument-name> <value>) - argument-name: a constant - value: a <constant-region>, <filters> or a <variable> - Note: Only <variable> should be used with condacts. An effect somewhat like the use of constants in condacts can be obtained via the function in the conditional, but may also then want to set function-default to 1 (either for just the conditional or overall). - constant-region:

    (1) a constant, yielding an interval of length 1 starting there,
    (2) a , yielding the entire scope of the dimension, or
    (3) a list (<min> <max>), where min and max are numbers specifying the
    beginning and ending of interval ; interval is always closed at min and open at max - constant: a symbol or a number - filters: (:filter <filter> ...) - filter: (<constant-region> <constant> <coefficient>) ; Defines a linear value function over the constant region. The outer product of the filters for all of the pattern’s arguments becomes the message filter, which is multiplied times incoming messages. - variable: (<variable-name> optional offset or <affine transform> or <filters> or <not-equal test> or :explicit ) - variable name: A symbol (not a number) - offset: a number specifying how far to offset from variable value (converted to affine) - affine transform: (optional :from <variable-name> :offset <number or variable> :coefficient <nonnegative number> :pad <nonnegative number>) ; :from defaults to the current variable, :offset to 0, :coefficient to 1 and :pad to 0 for closed-world predicates and 1 for open-world predicates. At present it shouldn’t be necessary to use :from in an action, just use the corresponding condition variable, and things may not work right in some cases if you do. :from can be used in conditions to map from another variable, but it should only be used for variables in the same pattern. The offset can only be a variable in an action, and then the smallest maximal domain element for that variable is used as the offset. - not-equal test: (<> <variable-name>); if the variable is discrete, and the variable after <> is of the same type and has either been bound in the same pattern – if this is a condition – or in an earlier condition (if this is a condition, action or condact), then limit matches of variable to elements that are zero in <> variable (using an inverse of a delta function). - :explicit : In a sense does the inverse of a summarization. Should only be used with a variable in an action that is bound nowhere else, and where functional values are in [0, 1]. It takes the functional value it receives and puts a 1 in the position along the variable’s type corresponding to the fraction of the type before the functional value. <
    Highly experimental *>

    ###Format for a function ‘(<region-value> ...) or number ; If no function is specified, defaults to 1. Processes region-values left to right, so can provide a default value first, and then alter subregions of it later

    • region-value: (< function> <constant-region> ...) ; One constant-region per variable in function
    • function: either a single number (for a constant function) or a list of numbers for the constant and the coefficients associated with the variables

    ###Format for an item of evidence in evidence-list (<predicate-name> <optional negation-symbol or function> <items>) ; Negation not allowed in perception

    • item: (<attribute> <constant-region>)

    ###Run a Sigma program Pass up to n (default max-messages) messages or until quiescence:

    (run &optional n do-pre-run)
    [(r &optional n do-pre-run)]
    Make up to n (default max-decisions) decisions (each with up to max-messages messages if specified):
    (decide &optional n max-messages)
    [(d &optional n max-messages)]
    If n =0, break before decision; and if n=’d, continue through decision after break

    Run n (default 1) trials (each of which makes decisions until halted):

    (trials &optional n continue)
    [(ts &optional n)] ; continue is nil
    Process a specific message from the queue:
    (m message-number)
    To interrupt a run: Type any character

    ###Debug Recompute a message from one node to another with lots of tracing:

    (debug-message node-number1 node-number2 &optional regions)
    Undo the tracing turned on by debug-message (for when left on by an error)
    Compute product of two PLMs with a null variable mapping:
    (product-plms plm1 plm2)
    Compare two arrays of messages from ends of decisions:
    (compare-gmas gma1 gma2)
    Compare two lists of message arrays (from first to last decision):
    (compare-gma-lists gmal1 gmal2)
    [set track-graph-messages to T to have such a list saved in global-graph-messages ]

    Break before a decision where there is a positive message between any listed pair of node numbers

    ###Interactive Graphical Display Create interactive graphical representation of graph:
    (g &optional size conditional-name) ; Size is small, medium or large
    Highlight a particular node in the interactive graphical representation
    (highlight-node node-number &optional color)
    [(h node-number &optional color)]
    Scroll so that a particular node is in middle of the interactive graphical representation
    (scroll-to-node node-number)
    [(s node-number &optional color)]
    Scroll to and highlight a particular node in the interactive graphical representation
    (sh node-identifier &optional color)
    node-identifier can be a node number or a predicate name, in which case it goes to the predicate’s WMFN node, or a conditional name, in which case it goes to the conditional’s CF

    ###To print Alpha memories:

    (print-alpha-memories &optional conditional-name symbolic stream)
    [(pam) &optional conditional-name {t trace-stream}]
    (print-conditional conditional &optional current-function reordered-
    conditions stream)
    [(pc conditional-name &optional current-function reordered-
    conditions stream) ]
    [(pcs &optional current-function reordered-conditions stream) ] ; All
    Conditional function (current):
    (pcf conditional-name &optional array)
    (pcfs &optional array) ; Print all defined conditional functions
    (print-expected-value-cond-function conditional-name &optional variable array) 
    ; Print expected value of conditional’s function along (:normal or only) unique/distribution variable (or variable specified)
    [(pevcf conditional-name &optional variable array)]
    Conditional pattern matches (i.e., what messages match to each pattern in a conditional):
    (print-pattern-matches conditional-name &optional stream)
    [(ppm conditional-name)]
    (print-dimension dimension-min dimension-max &optional variable(s) symbolic stream weight)
    Factor function:
    (print-factor-function node-name &optional symbolic stream)
    Factor step(s):
    (print-factor-step factor-step node &optional stream)
    (print-factor-steps node &optional stream)
    (pafs &optional array) ; Print all defined functions
    (pcfs &optional array) ; Print all defined conditional functions
    (ppfs &optional array) ; Print all defined predicate functions
    (print-graph &optional symbolic stream)
    Graph statistics (nodes, variables, links):
    (graph-statistics &optional stream)
    [(gs &optional stream) ]
    Episodic memory:
    (pem &optional predicate-name) ; Print function(s) in episodic memory
    (pep) ; Print variable nodes with predictions for episodic predicates
    (print-link link &optional symbolic stream)
    Link depths:
    (print-link-depths &optional stream)
    [(plds &optional stream)]
    Link counts (number of messages along links during current decision):
    (print-link-counts &optional nhighest minimal-count)
    [(plc &optional nhighest minimal-count) ] ; nhighest is how many (from high to low) to print
    ; Don’t print link direction if its count is less than minimal-count
    Link message sizes (sizes of messages along links at present):
    (print-link-message-sizes &optional nhighest minimal-size)
    [(plms &optional nhighest minimal-count) ]
    ; nhighest is how many (from high to low) to print
    ; Don’t print link direction if its message size is less than minimal-size
    (print-message trace-header link index &optional symbolic reverse print-first stream)
    (print-message-times &optional stream) ; trace-message-times must have been set to T before running for this to work
    (print-in-messages node &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pim node-name) {T T}]
    (print-out-messages node &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pom node-name) {T T}]
    (pm from-node-number to-node-number &optional symbolic stream)
    Message statistics (for messages currently in graph):
    (message-statistics &optional stream)
    [(ms &optional stream) ]
    (print-node node &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pn node-id &optional symbolic stream) ] ; node-id is either number or name
    Factor nodes:
    (print-factor-nodes &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pfns) {t trace-stream }]
    Function factor nodes:
    (print-functions &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pfs &optional as-array) {t trace-stream }]
    Variable nodes:
    (print-variable-nodes &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pvns) {t trace-stream }]
    List of node names:
    (print-node-names &optional stream)
    [(pnn) {trace-stream )]
    Neighbors of node:
    (print-node-neighbors node &optional stream)
    Type information about a node:
    (print-node-type node &optional stream)
    [(pnt node-number) ]
    Operators (by id, when defined by predicates)
    (pid id-number) ; Print an operator description from its id number
    (pids) ; Print descriptions of all operators from ids
    (print-plm {plm or node-number or predicate-name or conditional-name} &optional symbolic stream limits)
    [(pplm {plm or node-number or predicate-name or conditional-name }) {t trace-stream nil}]
    - For variable-node number, prints posterior (normalized if a WMVN node) - For factor-node number, prints function - For predicate-name, prints WMFN function - For conditional-name, prints conditional function
    (parray {plm or node-number or predicate-name or conditional-name} &optional regions summarize stream)
    [(pa {plm or node-number or predicate-name or conditional-name} &optional regions summarize stream)]
    ; Prints functions of any dimension as arrays
    - For variable-node number, prints posterior (normalized if a WMVN node) - For factor-node number, prints function - For predicate-name, prints WMFN function - For conditional-name, prints conditional function
    (print-smart {plm or node-number or predicate-name or conditional-name } &optional symbolic stream summarize limits)
    [(ps {plm or node-number or predicate-name or conditional-name} &optional stream summarize limits)]
    ; Intelligently decide whether to use pplm or pa based on max-span-pa (and whether or not to print an array as regions based on max-fraction-pa-regions)
    (print-predicate predicate &optional current-function stream)
    All predicates (or just those that include the state)
    (print-predicates &optional current-function state stream)
    [(pps &optional current-function state)]
    Predicate from its name
    (print-predicate-from-name predicate-name &optional stream)
    [(pp predicate-name)]
    Predicate perception function
    (print-predicate-perception-function predicate &optional symbolic stream limits)
    [(pppfn predicate-name &optional limits) ]
    [(pppfns)] ; Print contents of all perception functions
    Predicate function (current)
    (ppf predicate-name &optional array)
    (ppfs &optional array) ; Print all defined predicate functions
    (print-expected-value-pred-function predicate-name &optional variable array) 
    ; Print expected value of predicate’s function along (:unique or only) unique/distribution variable (or variable specified)
    [(pevpf conditional-name &optional variable array)]
    Preference messages (for selected predicate)
    (print-queues &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pqs) {t trace-stream}]
    (print-queue queue-number symbolic stream)
    [(pq queue-number) {t trace-stream }]
    (print-region region plm &optional symbolic stream)
    (print-plm-slices plm &optional symbolic stream)
    [(ps plm) {nil T} ]
    (print-type type &optional stream)
    [(pt type) {nil}]
    Type form its name:
    (print-type-from-name type-name)
    [(ptn type-name) ]
    All types:
    (print-types &optional stream)
    [(pts) {nil}]
    (print-svariable svariable &optional stream)
    (print-svariables svariables &optional stream)
    Working memory:
    (print-wm &optional symbolic stream)
    [(pwm &optional as-array stream) {t }]
    Alternate printout of working memory, allows for specific list of predicates, defaults to all, if array is true will print in array format:
    (print-wm-basic (&optional pred-list array stream)
    [(pwmb (&optional pred-list array stream)]
    A single predicate working memory:
    (print-pred-wm predicate &optional symbolic stream limits)
    [(ppwm &optional predicate-name as-array stream) {t nil}]
    ####A single predicate working memory function:
    (print-pred-function predicate &optional symbolic stream limits)
    [(ppfn predicate-name &optional limits as-array stream) {t}]
    A single predicate working memory function (without preceding text):
    (print-pred-wm-function predicate &optional symbolic stream limits)
    [(ppwmfn predicate-name &optional limits) {t trace-stream }]
    A single predicate working memory variable node:
    (print-wm-vn predicate &optional symbolic stream limits)
    [(ppvn predicate-name stream) {t nil}]
    ###Access functions Access best value in a 1D PLM (or in the specified state of a 2D state PLM)
    (best-in-plm plm &optional state)
    Access a conditional:
    (conditional-from-name conditional-name)
    Access a conditional function node name:
    (conditional-function-node-name-from-conditional-name conditional-name)
    [(cfn conditional-name)]
    Access a link:
    (link-from-nodes node1 node2)
    (link-from-numbers node-numer1 node-number2)
    Access a message (actually, create a new message) or just function from message:
    (message-from-numbers node-number1 node-number2)
    (message-function-from-numbers node-number1 node-number2)
    [(mffn node-number1 node-number2)]
    Access a message PLM:
    (mp node-number1 node-number2)
    Access a node:
    (node-from-name node-name &optional node-type)
    (node-from-number node-number)
    [(nfn node-number) ]
    Access a node’s function:
    (node-function-from-number node-number)
    [(nffn node-number)]
    Access list of names of node’s neighbors
    (node-neighbors node)
    Access the operator selected for a state
    (operator-in-state state-number &optional agent)
    Access a predicate:
    (predicate-from-name predicate-name)
    Access a predicate’s perception node:
    (perception-node-from-name predicate-name)
    Access a symbol name from its type and ordinal:
    (get-symbol-name ordinal type)
    Access a type:
    (type-from-name type-name)
    (type-from-predicate-argument argument predicate)
    Access value in working memory of 2D predicate with state and one unique argument
    (value-in-state predicate-name state-number argument-name &optional agent)
    Access a variable:
    (variable-from-name name svariables)
    Access value of a discrete 1D working memory (no state argument) with a unique argument
    (nonstate-value predicate-name)
    Access the posterior of a shared WM VN node:
    (vn-posterior predicate)
    [(vnp predicate-name)]
    alpha (variable node or nil): End of alpha network for new pattern
    old-beta (variable node or nil): Beta memory or end alpha network for previous
    new-beta (variable node or nil): New beta memory after beta factor
    name (symbol): Name of conditional
    conditions (list of condition patterns)
    condacts (list of condact patterns)
    actions (list of action patterns)
    variables (list of svariable structures)
    function (constant or list of linear region functions): Function of function-variable-names (default 1)
    function-default (0 or 1): Value to be used for unspecified regions in conditional’s
    function (default 0)
    function-node (a node): Factor node in which conditional’s function is stored
    function-variable-names (list of variable names used in function, in order used)
    condition-later-variable-names (list of lists of variable names): Variables in conditions used later in conditional
    condact-later-variable-names (list of lists of variable names): Variables in condacts used later in conditional
    action-later-variable-names (list of lists of variable names): Variables in actions used later in conditional
    last-memory (node ): Last beta memory in conditional’s graph
    last-condition-memory (node): Last condition alpha memory in conditional’s graph
    normal (nil or variable name): Variable over which to normalize during gradient descent
    shared-action-beta (beta memory): Variable node connecting conditional’s actions
    map (T or nil): Whether to summarize out unique variables at node by max (versus integration)
    learning-rate (number in (0,1]): Learning rate for conditional’s function (if specified)
    smoothing-parameter (number): Smoothing parameter for CF node (if specified)
    episodic (T or nil): Whether conditional is part of episodic memory (default nil )
    reordered-conditions (list of condition patterns): In order as automatically reordered
    descendant ;(within node )
    node (node): Descendent node
    parents (list of node numbers): Parents of node by which it descends
    descendant-link ;(within node)
    link (link): Descendent link
    direction (0 or 1): From variable (0) or factor (1) node
    from (node): Number of source node of link direction
    to (node): Number of target node of link direction
    dimension ;(within region )  
    min-slice (slice ): Lower bound on dimension
    max-slice (slice ): Upper bound on dimension
    weight (number): Weight of dimension’s variable in linear function
    discrete (T or nil): Whether dimension is discrete
    factor-step ;(within node ): Define a summarization or combination (product) step  
    type (INTEGRAL , MAX or PRODUCT ): Operation to perform
    argument (dimension number or link): Argument of operation
    types (list of type): List of all of the types in the graph
    predicates (list of predicate ): List of all of the predicates in the graph
    nodes (list of node): List of all of the nodes in the graph
    node-vector (vector of nodes): Vector of all of the nodes in the graph
    links (list of link)
    conditionals (list of conditional ): List of all of the conditionals in the graph
    pattern-vars (list of pattern-variable ): Vestigial for explicit sharing of nodes across conditionals
    prequeue (list of message ): List of messages to go into queues
    queues (queues of message )
    node-count (integer): Number of nodes in graph
    last-node (link ): Last node created in graph
    positive-preferences (list of nodes): Positive action factor nodes for selected predicate
    negative-preferences (list of nodes): Negative action factor nodes for selected predicate
    depth (integer): Depth of graph
    agents (integer): Number of agents
    operator-type-name (name of type): Name of type to use for operators in selection
    initialized (T or nil): Whether graph has been initialized
    operator-predicates (list): Predicates that determine operators, if any
    selected-predicate (predicate): The selected predicate if there is one
    changes (list of node): Assumption nodes whose functions have changed
    goals-set (T or nil): Whether predicate goals have been set (by initializing WMFNs)
    goal-list (list of evidence lists): Lists from calls to goal for initializing predicate goals
    agent-type (type): Definition of agent type
    predicate-type (nil): A symbolic type that includes all of the predicate names
    surprise-predicate (predicate): Predicate with a global measure of surprise (in PBFN)
    surprise-distribution-predicate (predicate): Predicate with surprise distribution over predicates (in PBFN)
    surprise-predicates (list of predicate): List of predicates for which surprise will be computed
    progress-predicate (predicate): Predicate with a global measure of progress (in PBFN)
    progress-distribution-predicate (predicate): Predicate with progress distribution over predicates (in PBFN)
    progress-predicates (list of predicate): List of predicates for which progress will be computed
    difference-predicate (predicate): Predicate with a global measure of difference (in PBFN)
    difference-distribution-predicate (predicate): Predicate with difference distribution over predicates (in PBFN)
    difference-predicates (list of predicate): List of predicates for which attention will be computed
    attention-predicate (predicate): Predicate with a global measure of attention (in PBFN)
    attention-distribution-predicate (predicate): Predicate with attention distribution over predicates (in PBFN)
    attention-predicates (list of predicate): List of predicates for which attention will be computed
    link ;Link between a pair of nodes
    map (smap)
    nodes (vector of two nodes ): Variable and factor nodes on link
    contents (vector of two plms): Messages from variable and factor nodes on link
    depths (vector of two integers): Depth of link in each direction from WM and FF factors
    loop-depths (vector of two integers): Pseudo-depth of link within a loop in each direction from WM and FF factors
    inits (vector of two integers): Decision on which message from node was last initialized
    incoming (vector of two T or nil): Whether incoming messages in parallel mode
    in (T or nil): T for links in actions and condacts, nil for conditions
    out (T or nil): T for links in conditions and condacts, nil for actions
    counts (vector of two integers): Number of messages sent in link directions on current decision cycle
    stale (T or nil ): T for links that may not have the correct value currently stored on them given the input messages at the source node
    smap ;(within link) How variable node variables map onto variables in factor function (short for Sigma map)
    vfactor (vector of integers): Factor node variable index from variable node variable index
    fvar (vector of integers): Maps from summarized product in factor node back to variable node
    message ;(within queue )
    index (0 or 1): Index into a link’s arrays (0 for variable and 1 for factor) for direction
    link (link): Link along which message is to be sent
    wm-driven (T or nil): Whether message is driven by change in WM
    node ;Factor and variable nodes in graph
    name (symbol)
    type (factor or variable )
    subtype (alpha , beta, delta, combine , constant , function , inversion , offset, split or wm)
    subsubtype (match , negative , nil, positive or sum)
    object (capi:expandable-item-pinboard-object ): Object in graphical window for node
    evidence (list of evidence nodes)
    variables (list of svariables or list of pairs of svariables for delta factors)
    factor-steps (list of factor-steps)
    function (a plm ): Function for factor nodes
    links (list of links): Links attached to node
    number (integer): Node’s number
    action (T or nil ): Whether is a special action node for combining shared actions
    descendants (list of descendant ): Nodes dependent on values of assumption nodes
    descendant-links (list of descendant-link): Links dependent on values of assumption nodes
    region-pad (nil or 0 or 1): What padding to use for new regions in offsets and affines
    normal (nil or integer): Dimension over which to normalize during gradient descent
    linear-filter (T or nil ): Whether is a filter factor node with a linear filter
    pattern-type (condition , action , condact or nil): What kind of pattern a variable node is associated with
    exponential (T or nil): Whether to exponentially transform messages out if WMVN
    normalize (T or nil): Whether to normalize outgoing messages from node
    integral (T or nil): Whether to summarize out unique variables at node by integration (versus max) [Is overridden if default-integral is nil]
    predicate (predicate ): When node is a WM FN or FAN or PFF points to corresponding predicate
    learning-rate (number in (0,1]): Learning rate for CF node (if specified on conditional)
    smoothing-parameter (number): Smoothing parameter for CF node (if specified on conditional)
    changes (non-negative integer): Number of times node function has been changed by gradient-descent learning
    shared-functions (list of CFF nodes): Conditional factor function nodes that share the same function
    variables-same (list of variable-node names): Adjacent variable-node names for a beta factor with the same variables (in the same order)
    restriction (plm): Boolean function multiplied times results of learning to insure that regions that were originally 0 remain 0
    function-name (symbol): For a function node, name of conditional or predicate that generated it
    wmvn (T or nil): Whether node is a working memory variable node
    beta-non-full (T or nil): If node is a beta factor, whether its function is not a constant 1; that is, whether there are not-equal (<>) tests to be performed
    assumption (T or nil): Whether is an assumption node (messages out don’t change during message passing)
    vector (T or nil): if the node performs vector normalizations
    surprise-predicate (predicate): Surprise predicate pointer from predicate's function node
    pattern-variable ;Variable for explicit pattern sharing (vestigial)
    name (symbol)
    wm-memory (node): WM variable node for sharing
    variable-names (list of symbols): Names of variables in WM variable node
    plm ;A piecewise linear function
    rank (integer): Number of dimensions
    active (vector of T or nil ): T for variables active (vestigial?)
    variables (vector of svariables ): Variables corresponding to dimensions
    array (PLM array): Array of regions
    slices (vector of lists of slices ): Slices through the dimensions
    removed-unneeded-slices (T or nil): Whether have removed unneeded slices
    piecewise-constant (T or nil): Whether regions in function are all constant in value
    predicate ;Relational structure for use in conditionals
    name (symbol)
    world (closed or open): Defaults to open
    arguments (list of <arguments>)
    wm (node): Working memory factor node
    wm-variables (list of variables): Variables in predicate’s working memory factor node
    em (node): Episodic memory factor node
    em-predicate (predicate or nil): Episodic memory predicate for predicate
    function (constant or list of linear region functions): Function of function-variable-names (default 1)
    function-default (0 or 1): Value to be used for unspecified regions in predicate’s function (default 0)
    function-node (a node): Node in which predicate’s function is stored (if defined)
    function-variable-names (list of variable names used in function, in order used)
    perception (T or node or nil): If T or node, there is perception for the predicate (user specifies T, system replaces with pointer to perception node) (default is nil)
    perception-temp-mem (a plm): Temporary memory for aggregating perceptions during a cycle before storing the result into the factor node
    persistent (T or nil): Whether values of predicate persist in its WMFN
    predict (predicate): Predicate for diachronic prediction of current predicate
    prediction (node or nil): If predicate is used for diachronic prediction of another predicate then WMFN for other predicate; else nil
    prediction-link (link): Prediction link for diachronic processing
    exponential (T or nil): Whether to exponentially transform messages out of WMVN
    assign-ids (a plm): Function used to assign ids via a factor attached to WMVNs
    operators (integer): Number of operator (ids) corresponding to predicate, if any
    first-operator (integer): First id for operators corresponding to predicate, if any
    id-contents (vector of lists): Operator descriptions associated with ids
    outgoing-vn (node): WMVN for conditions, condacts and chained actions
    incoming-vn (node): WMVN for actions
    no-normalize (T or nil): When true, overrides the default for non-multiple predicates and doesn’t normalize the messages coming out of the WMVN node (and for unique predicates, combines positive actions via addition and negative actions via subtraction
    unique (list of symbols): List of names of non-multiple argument(s)
    unique-for-gdl (list of symbols): List of names of non-multiple argument(s) for use in divisor within gradient-descent learning
    select (nil, best , prob-match, boltzmann or expected ): What kind of selection, if any to do over the unique variable, if there is one
    agent-arg-index (positive integer): Index in arguments of agent argument if there is one
    fan (node): Combination factor node for actions
    replace (T or nil ): Whether to replace current values in WMFN for the predicate with values in actions (versus updating current values)
    learning-rate (number in (0,1]): Learning rate for predicate’s function (if specified)
    smoothing-parameter (number): Smoothing parameter for predicate’s function (if specified)
    condact-conditionals (list of conditionals): Conditionals that use the predicate in a condact
    episodic (T or nil): Whether predicate is part of episodic memory (default nil)
    no-models (T or nil): Whether to ignore predicate in generating perception and action models (default nil)
    goal-predicate (predicate): Predicate in whose WM the predicate’s goal is stored (its name is the original predicate name with goal added at end)
    progress-predicate (predicate): Predicate whose function tracks amount of progress towards predicate’s goal (its name is the original predicate name with
    progress added at end)
    action-function (<function>): When doing automatic action modeling, the action model for the predicate is initialized with this function. At the moment this is a hack you shouldn’t use unless you really know what you are doing, as the variables used in this function are not the predicate’s variables.
    perception-function (<function>): When doing automatic perception modeling, the perception model for the predicate is initialized with this function. At the moment this is a hack you shouldn’t use unless you really know what you are doing, as the variables used in this function are not the predicate’s variables.
    vector (T or nil): whether this predicate represents a vector
    surprise-predicate (predicate): Predicate for surprise map
    progress-predicate (predicate): Predicate for progress map
    difference-predicate (predicate): Predicate for difference map
    surprise-predicate (predicate): Predicate for attention map
    automated-perception (T or nil): Whether this predicate is automatically created by the template for perception learning to hold the learned perception function
    no-surprise (T or nil): Whether a predicate should not have surprise computed for it
    goal (<function>): Goal function for predicate
    queue ;List of messages in queue
    head: Pointer to pseudo message that remains fixed at front of queue
    tail (message): Pointer to last message in queue
    region ;(within plm)
    constant (number): Constant in region’s linear function
    dimensions (vector of dimensions )
    maximals (vector of (min max) lists): Segments of dimension yielding maximal values
    bad (T or nil): Whether translated region is completely outside of type’s scope
    slice ;(within plm): Location of a slice across a dimension
    location (integer)
    stype ;Variable/dimension type (short for Sigma type)
    name (symbol)
    numeric (T or nil): Defaults to nil
    discrete (T or nil): Defaults to nil
    constants (list of symbols): Defaults to nil (when specified, discrete is set to T)
    min (number): Beginning of range of type (defaults to 0 when constants specified)
    max (number): End of range of type (defaults to number of constants when constants specified)
    span (positive integer): abs(max-min)
    svariable ; (short for Sigma variable)
    name (symbol)
    type (type)
    unique (T or nil ): Whether variable is unique or universal/multiple
    select (nil, best , prob-match, boltzmann or expected ): What kind of selection, if any to do over this variable.

    ###System Types

    Users should never define types with these names even when the system doesn’t define them It is also safest to avoid predicates ending in: goal or progress if using architectural goal specification; and *episodic , -learn, -select and –retrieve if using episodic learning.

    Detect-impasses [open]: (state state) (value flag %) ; Whether to detect impasses in the state  
    Evaluate-operator[open]: (evaluate operator) (operator operator) ; If detect-impasses is true  
    Impasse[closed]: (state state) (operator operator) (type impasse !) ; If
    detect-impasses is true (and will have (agent agent) argument if multiagent)
    Selected[closed]: (state state) (operator operator !) ; If operators have been
    defined (and will have (agent agent) argument if multiagent)
    State[open]: (state state) ; Will have (agent agent) argument if multiagent
    Time[closed]: (value time) ; Number of decisions that have passed
    ###Parameters and constants

    action-list: nil (list of forms to execute as external actions)
    adaptive-learning-rate: nil (t) ; Dynamically determine learning rate at each node (when not overridden by learning rate on conditional) [Only one of this and learning-rate-fraction-of-smoothing-parameter should set] [ Not recommended at present ]
    adaptive-smoothing : t (nil) ; Dynamically determine smoothing (for learning) at each node
    all-condact-filters-pad-1: nil (t) ; Invert filter messages for condact messages moving away from WM (this is already done for condact messages heading towards WM)
    always-max-operators : nil (t); If true, only use max when summarizing out operators
    arousal : nil (positive number ) ; Level of arousal [default is off] (set manually)
    automatically-reorder-conditions : t (nil ) ; Automatically reorder conditions in conditionals for efficiency
    automatic-action-models : nil (t) ; Automatically create conditionals for action modeling (aka learning of transition functions)
    automatic-perception-models : nil (t) ; Automatically create conditionals for perception modeling (including map learning)
    automatic-reinforcement-learning : nil (t ) ; Automatically create types, predicates and conditionals for reinforcement learning
    bipartite-graph-display : t (nil) ; Use new form of factor graph display in graph/g
    center-discrete-numeric-on-integer : nil (t); If true, center unit regions for discrete numbers around the integers rather than beginning the regions at the integers (needs to be set via optional argument to init rather than directly) [Warning : May not work correct at this point with either impasses or multiple agents.]
    compute-attention: nil (t) ; Compute attention for predicates with progress/difference and/or surprise
    compute-progress: nil (t) ; Compute progress (and difference) for predicates with goals
    compute-surprise: nil (t) ; Compute surprise for predicates with functions
    condacts-change-wm: nil (t) ; Condacts send messages back to WM factor node (but don’t actually lead to changes in WM)
    break-on-positive-messages : nil ; A list of node-number pairs (each a list). Breaks before any decision with a non-empty message between those nodes at quiescence
    cycle-message-counts : nil ; If tracing cycles, history of messages per cycle
    debug-descendants : nil (list of node numbers) ; Trace descendant and message initialization computations for node numbers in list
    debug-init-descendants : nil (‘summary or ‘all ) ; Trace descendant initialization, either just summary statistics (‘summary ) or also how many descendants each has (‘all)
    decision-count: 0 ; Number of decisions since init
    default-integral : t (nil) ; Use integral by default (rather than max) for unique variables
    detect-impasses : nil (t) ; Whether to impasse on operator selection if tie (needs to be set via optional argument to init-operators rather than directly)
    diachronic-prediction : nil (t) ; Predict results of actions/operators
    discount-wm: t (nil) ; Discount (by wm-discount-factor ) messages from WMFNs to FANs for selection predicates
    display-subgraph : nil (t): Automatically pop up a restricted window showing the region around a node when go to it in the graphical display via sh (or via the entry box)
    do-not-learn: nil (list of conditional and predicate names): Conditionals and predicates for which not to do gradient-descent learning
    episodic-learning : nil (t, ‘open, ‘closed ) ; Perform episodic learning. Should use the function learn to set and unset this variable
    epsilon : .0000001 (real number) ; Accuracy within which to compute absolute value comparisons (when use-relative-epsilon is nil)
    epsilon2 : .0001 (real number) ; Span of continuous maximal regions
    exponential-product-gradient : nil (t) ; Use an exponential product gradient rather than a traditional additive gradient. This is still experimental and not yet ready for general use
    extend-type-constants-by-evidence : nil (t) ; Instead of signaling an error if a constant is used in evidence or perceive that isn’t in the type, extend the type to include it
    fan-constant : .001 ; Constant at open-world FAN nodes to ensure that actions for non-matching conditionals don’t clamp the WMVN at 0
    feedback-to-functions : t (nil) ; Send feedback messages to factor function nodes field-beyond-label : 3 ; Extent of field beyond length of largest label
    function-default : 0 ; Value to use by default for unspecified regions of conditional/predicate functions
    gdl-divide ‘new (t, nil) ; Divide gradient by function-message product (new version uses a different divisor within each region of universal variable values)
    gdl-subtractive-normalization t (nil) ; Use subtractive rather than divisive normalization in gradient-descent learning
    gradient-subtract-average t (nil) ; Subtract average of gradient before updating
    integrate-universal-in-unique nil (t) ; Integrate rather than max over universal variables in unique functions (very experimental)
    infinity : (most-positive-fixnum-10) ; For scope of temporal variable
    base-level-state: 0 ; State at which processing starts in reflective hierarchy
    learning-rate: .05 (real number) ; Learning rate for gradient descent
    learning-rate-fraction-of-smoothing-parameter : nil (positive number) ; If a number, the learning rate is set to this times the smoothing parameter [Only one of this and adaptive-learning-rate should be set] [Intended to be used in conjunction with adaptive smoothing , and to be <1]
    learn-no-normal : nil (t) ; Learn for conditionals without a normal variable
    learn-open: nil (t) ; Learn for open-world predicates as well as closed-world ones
    learn-via-gradient-descent : nil (t) ; Use gradient descent on function factor functions. Should use the function learn to set and unset this variable
    max-decisions : 500 ; Maximum number of decisions to execute when no value specified
    max-elaboration-cycles : 50 ; Maximum number of (parallel) cycles per decision
    max-final-discrete : 10 ; Maximum number of items in the final region along a discrete numeric dimension to list explicitly
    max-fraction-pa-regions : .5 (in [0,1]); Threshold for shifting from regions in parray within print-smart
    max-gdl-increment : 1 (positive number or nil); Maximum increment added during gradient-descent learning (rescales increment after learning rate applied if the largest value is greater than this)
    max-messages : 10000 ; Default maximum number of messages (per decision)
    max-messages-links : 20 ; When non-nil, set max-messages to this times number of links
    max-span-pa : 10 ; Threshold on size of symbolic dimension in shifting from parray to pplm in print-smart
    max-states : 100 ; When number of states (height of goal hierarchy)
    max-time: 999999 ; Size of temporal dimension (and max number of cycles, if time is being tracked via track-time, due to incrementing time each cycle)
    message-count: 0 ; Number of messages since init
    message-protocol : ‘serial (parallel ) ; Pass messages serially versus simulated parallel
    minimal-parray-field : 13 ; Minimum size of a field for a PLM array print
    multiagent nil (t) ; Default to multiple agents (mostly set automatically within init )
    non-operator-best-select: ‘random (‘first ) ; Choose randomly among maximals for regions in predicates other than selected (or first maximal)
    one-way-c-a-betas : t (nil) ; Use unidirectional beta networks within conditions and actions
    open-actions-like-condacts : nil (t) ; Invert filter messages for open-world actions, and combine via product, as normally do action part of condacts
    open-conditions-like-condacts : nil (t) ; Connect outgoing message from WMFN directly to WMVN (via product) instead of going through a VAN/FAN (probabilistic or) path (and invert filter messages for open-world conditions if all-condact-filters-pad-1 is T)
    open-world-wmfns: nil (t) ; WMFN nodes are generated for open-world predicates
    operator-best-select : ‘random (‘first ) ; Choose randomly among maximals for operator in selected predicate (or first maximal)
    parameter-override-reset: nil (list of parameter names [without bracketing *s]) ; These parameter are not reset by reset-parameters (this parameter is itself not automatically reset)
    perceive-list: nil (list of forms to execute for perception)
    pre-d: nil ; Forms to evaluate after messages are sent but before decision and WM changes (occurs after both runs for diachronic decisions)
    pre-run nil ; Forms to evaluate before messages are sent within a decision (only for the first run within a diachronic decision)
    pre-t: nil ; Forms to evaluate before each trial begins
    pre-ts: nil ; Forms to evaluate before sequence of trials begins
    print-regions-on-separate-lines: nil (t); Print each region in a PLM on a separate line
    post-d: nil ; Forms to evaluate after decision is made and WM is changed
    post-run nil ; Forms to evaluate before messages are sent within a decision (only for the first run within a diachronic decision)
    post-t: nil ; Forms to evaluate after trial is over (on a explicit halt, via haltp)
    range-field-beyond-label: 3 ; Extent of range field beyond twice length of largest label
    reset-parameters-in-init: t (nil) ; Whether to automatically reset all parameter in init (this parameter is not itself reset in init)
    save-message-state : t (nil) ; Only reinitialize messages across decisions that depend on changed functions
    smoothing-parameter : .000001 (number) ; Minimum value in a learned function
    sparse-product : t (nil) ; Use optimization for multiplying a sparse function times another function
    sparse-product-threshold : number in [0,1]; When sparse-product is T, use optimization when function density below threshold
    specify-function-variable-names: t (nil) ; Explicitly specify variables used in function
    symbolic-trace: t (nil) ; Traces should be symbolic
    temperature: (number) ; Current temperature for Boltzmann selection (not for user setting)
    temperature-minimum : 1/60 (number) ; Temperature remains above this to avoid overflow
    temperature-schedule: #’inverse-log (function) ; Function that updates temperature on each trial (default sets it as 1/log(1+trial-count)
    threshold-for-dense-connection : 5 ; If the number of bidirectional links at a variable node is more than this threshold, break up into a binary tree of nodes and links
    trace-affine : nil (t) ; Trace computation at affine transform factor node
    trace-attention : nil (t) ; Trace attentional processing (including appraisals)
    trace-average : nil (t) ; Trace the processing that creates an averaged version of a PLM
    trace-combine : nil (t ‘region) ; Trace combination (product/sum). Print individual region combinations if ‘region
    trace-cycles : t (nil) ; Trace elaboration cycles
    trace-decisions : t (nil) ; Trace decision cycles
    trace-el: nil (t) ; Trace episodic learning
    trace-empty: nil (t) ; Print regions in PLMs with 0 values
    trace-full t (nil) ; Print regions in PLMs with 1 values
    trace-gdl: nil (t or list of node numbers, node names, conditional names and predicate names) ; Trace gradient-descent learning (for all nodes if t or just the specified function factor nodes)
    trace-impasses : t (nil) ; Print impasses at decision time
    trace-link-depths : nil (t) ; Trace depths of links for messages
    trace-maximals : nil (t) ; Trace lists of maximal regions
    trace-messages : nil (t or a list of node names or numbers) ; Trace messages (to and from nodes named/numbered)
    trace-message-times : nil (t) ; Trace times taken for messages
    trace-perception : nil (t) ; Trace perception
    trace-performance : t (nil) ; Trace performance data about decisions
    trace-preferences : nil (t) ; Trace preference messages for selected predicate
    trace-queue: nil (t) ; Trace the queue to which each new message is added
    trace-states: t (nil ) ; Trace addition and deletion of states from hierarchy
    trace-stream : t (nil ) ; Default stream to use for traces
    trace-summarize : nil (t) ; Trace summarization (integral/max)
    trace-transform : nil (t) ; Trace transformations (including normalizations)
    trace-trials : t (nil ) ; Trace trials
    trace-wm-changes : nil (t or a list of predicate names) ; Trace the process of deciding which WM changes to make (just for predicates listed if there is a list)
    (trace-wm-changes [boolean or list]) ; Set trace-wm-changes and trace-states
    trace-wm-driven : nil (t) ; Trace whether messages are wm-driven
    track-graph-messages : nil (t) ; Store messages at the end of each decision into a list
    track-time: t (nil) ; Create time predicate and increment each decision (this parameter is not automatically reset during init)
    trial-count: 0 ; Number of trials since init
    unique-weights-only : t (nil) ; Generate error if region has a weight for a universal variable
    unsup-categories : 5 (integer) ; Number of categories for unsupervised learning
    use-relative-epsilon : t (nil) ; Use relative rather than absolute numeric comparisons
    wm-discount-factor : .01 (positive number) ; Factor to use when discount-wm is T

    ###Saving Sessions & Graphs

    save a graph to a file

    (save-graph "mygraph")
    load graph from file
    (load-graph "mygraph")
    save session (lispworks)
    (save-sigma-session "mysession")
    save session (CLISP): automatically saves file as lispinit.mem
    save-sigma-session ()
    both save-session functions save the file as a binary so you execute that file to restore your previous session, lispworks may require you to enter your license & key on the commandline

    ###Learn a naïve Bayes classifier from a data set Each instance in the data set is one line in a file, with values for its attributes separated by commas

    Learn from training data set and test on test data set

    (gdl train test &optional unsupervised training-cycles)
    unsupervised : t (expectation maximization) or nil (supervised).

    Define a data set:

    (define-data-set (attribute-domain-list ...) &optional unsupervised) 
    Define attributes and their domains (and if learning should be unsupervised) attribute-domain-list: (<optional *> attribute-name domain-list ) If the first element is * (i.e., the category-symbol ), the attribute is the category If no category is specified, the last attribute mentioned is the category by default domain-list: (symbolic ...symbols...) or (<discrete or continuous > min max)

    Specify an instance to be loaded into WM (all of WM is emptied first):

    (instance inst-string &optional omit not-in-data)
    - inst-string : A comma-delimited string of values for attributes (including category) - omit: Attribute names in the list are not read in (this is used to omit the concept name when predicting it during a test). - not-in-data: Attribute names in the list don’t exist in the data (this is used for the category in unsupervised learning).

    Set up training and test data sets:

    (setup-gd filename &optional test omit not-in-data)
    Set up file to process one instance per decision.

    • test: when T, learning is turned off (and it is turned on when it is nil).
    • omit: Attribute names in the list are not read in (this is used to omit the concept name when predicting it during a test).
    • not-in-data: Attribute names in the list don’t exist in the data (this is used for the category in unsupervised learning).

    ###Parallel Execution

    (run-parallel function parameter-list &optional filename)
    execute one instance of function for each parameter in the list, function must take exactly one argument.

    • filename : string representing a lisp file containing a definition for the function to be run
      over the list of parameters (not needed if you are running a function that’s already in sigma)
    • function : defined in filename, takes a single argument
    • parameter-list: a list of input parameters to be given to function
      SIGMA> (run-parallel 'runmodel '(1 0 2.5 3) "~/sigma/model.lisp")
      ###Regression Testing
    • run all tests in parallel listeners
      SIGMA> (regression-testing)
    • run all tests serially in current window
      SIGMA> (run-all-regression-tests)
