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GSPN benchmark / Net16

Gas-pump system

To improve net readability, broken arcs are used in the figure.


Subclass n.Places, n.Transitions Measure of interest Transition of reference Output parameter
general (72,65) throughput pickup (top-left subnet) X(pickup)


S. Bernardi, J. Merseguer, Performance evaluation of UML design with Stochastic Well-formed Nets, Journal of Systems and Software, vol.80 (11): 1843-1865, November 2007.

Scaling parameter


Observation: This is a GSPN version of the original SWN model. In fact it should be colored to model the correct behavior of the gas-pump system. The GSPN version already saturates when low workload is assumed.

Structural properties

  • structurally bounded
  • not all the transitions are covered by some T-invariant
  • deadlock-free
  • not live
  • not reversible (3 livelocks)
