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h5mma / Compiling h5mma


First install the required HDF5 library. If you're using Homebrew:


brew install hdf5
or MacPorts:

sudo port install hdf5-18
or Fink:
sudo apt-get install hdf5-18 szip

Then compile h5mma:


  cd $HOME/Library/Mathematica/Applications
  git clone
  cd h5mma


The version of HDF5 provided with Ubuntu does not currently work due to a known bug in the package. This will be fixed in the future. Until then, install HDF5 manually by downloading the source package, extracting the tarball and then in the extracted directory running:


./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && sudo make install
Now, get a copy of the h5mma repository:

  cd $HOME/Library/Mathematica/Applications
  git clone
  cd h5mma
then copy the 'make.defs.example' file to 'make.defs' and edit it so that it has the following:

HDF5DIR    = /usr/local
MLINKDIR   = /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/10.0/SystemFiles/Links/MathLink/DeveloperKit/Linux/CompilerAdditions
You may need to adjust the MLINKDIR for your system. In particular, if your system is 64-bit, change 'Linux' to 'Linux-x86-64'.

Finally, build h5mma:




The following instructions are for compiling with Windows 8.

  • Install Visual C++ 2012 Express fow Windows Desktop
  • Run Windows Update
  • Install HDF5 using the instructions provided.
  • Install Mathematica 10.0.1
  • Install git
  • Get a copy of the h5mma source code:
    cd %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Mathematica\Applications
    git clone
  • Generate file:
    cd h5mma
    "c:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\10.0\SystemFiles\Links\MathLink\DeveloperKit\Windows-x86-64\CompilerAdditions\mldev64\bin\mprep.exe" -o
  • Create Visual Studio Windows Application project from existing files and point it to the h5mma directory
  • In project properties, add HDF5 and Mathematica include and lib paths
  • In project properties, add additoinal dependencies: ml32i4m.lib;szip.lib;zlib.lib;hdf5.lib; (for 64-bit, use ml64i4m.lib instead)
  • In project properties, add post-build rules (if compiling for 64-bit, change Windows to Windows-x86-64)
    if not exist "$(SolutionDir)\Windows" mkdir "$(SolutionDir)\Windows"
    copy /Y "$(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)\h5mma.exe" "$(SolutionDir)\Windows\h5mma"
  • Set build to Release and to Win32 or x64, as appropriate.
  • Build project


Create the file 'make.defs' using the template provided in 'make.defs.example'. Edit the paths in this file to point to the appropriate locations on your machine:


HDF5DIR:    This should be the directory containing lib/libhdf5*.
SZIPDIR:    This should be the directory containing lib/libsz*.
MLINKDIR:   This should be the directory containing mcc and mprep.
Once these paths have been set, build h5mma:

