
SinnyStar [Ren'Py] Tooltip on hovered choice button

Created by J. Tran

File screens.rpy Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+init python:
+    # keys are the choice names
+    # values are a 3-tuple of image, xpos, and ypos
+    choice_map = {
+        "To be" :
+            ("images/to_be.png", 500, 100),
+        "Not to be" :
+            ("images/not_to_be.png", 600, 200)
+    }
+    # get the right tooltip values from the choice name
+    def GetChoiceTooltip(choice = None):
+        if choice in choice_map:
+            return choice_map[choice]
+        else:
+            return None
+    # Slide transform for the tooltip
+    transform trn_choicetooltip:
+        on show:
+            xalign 0.3 alpha 0.0
+            easein 0.5 xalign 0.5 alpha 1.0
+        on hide:
+            xalign 0.5
+            easeout 0.5 xalign 0.7 alpha 0.0
+# Separate screen for the tooltip           
+screen choice_tooltip(img, x, y):
+    add img xpos x ypos y at trn_choicetooltip
+# The main choice screen    
+screen choice(items):
+    default choiceTooltip = None
+    window:
+        style "menu_window"
+        xalign 0.5
+        yalign 0.5
+        vbox:
+            style "menu"
+            spacing 2
+            for caption, action, chosen in items:
+                $ choiceTooltip = GetChoiceTooltip(caption)
+                if action:
+                    button:
+                        action action
+                        style "menu_choice_button"
+                        text caption style "menu_choice"
+                        if choiceTooltip is not None:
+                            hovered ShowTransient("choice_tooltip", dissolve, choiceTooltip[0], choiceTooltip[1], choiceTooltip[2])
+                            unhovered Hide("choice_tooltip", dissolve)
+                else:
+                    text caption style "menu_caption"

File script.rpy Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+label start:
+    "To be or not to be?"
+    menu:
+        "To be":  # will show an image
+            "You chose 'to be'."
+        "Not to be":  # will show an image
+            "You chose 'not to be'."
+        "That is the question":  # will not show an image
+            "But I wanted the answer..."

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