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Sitecore Automation Project is place where I would like to develop Powershell modules used for automating tasks connected with Sitecore Experience Platform.
Quick Start
Step 1 Get and install Sitecore-Automate is distributed as the PowerShell Gallery module sitecore-automation. In PowerShell 5.0 or with PowerShellGet you can install it by this command:
#!powershell Install-Module Sitecore-Automation

Step 2: In a PowerShell command prompt import the module:
#!powershell Import-Module Sitecore-Automation
Sitecore Environment
A few simple functions to processing a Sitecore enable/disable spreadsheet. Setup Sitecore Environment
Sitecore Sites
Functions to automate a tasks base on Site Definition. Sitecore Sites
Sitecore Config
Functions to automate changes in web.config and Sitecore configuration files. Sitecore Config
Sitecore Tests
A simple way to check if all Sitecore sites are up and running after deployment.
#!powershell $webPath = "B:\Sitecore 8.2 rev. 160729\Website\App_Config\Include" $sitecoreHosts = Get-SitecoreSites -Path $webPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty hostName foreach( $sitecoreHost in $sitecoreHosts ) { Test-WebResponse "http://$sitecoreHost" -Verbose }