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Numera.LibrisAPI / GettingStarted

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All of the features of the Libris platform are available through our API, and many of our own Numera provided products are built using the same libraries and API access methods we expose to our customers and partners.

The Libris API allows you to integrate the Libris platform and devices into your own solutions in a variety of ways. Each method of integration offers different features related to security and functions that can be performed by your users, services, and applications. You will need to pick the best method according to what you are trying to accomplish, realizing that you may use more than one method in your overall solution.

See the table below for a description of the various ways you can integrate with our API.

API AccessDescriptionUse Cases
JSON APIOur JSON-based web services that allow you to access all of the features of the platform using web based requests over HTTP protocols.This is the best method to use in server-to-server interactions where your platform needs to communicate directly with the Numera platform. It allows you to exchange information with Numera on behalf of your systems and users and control the flow of information
Javascript SDKWe host a single javascript library (libris-sdk.js) that you can include in your own web-based applications to interact with our JSON API without having to do server-to-server integration.This can be beneficial when you already have web-based applications available for your users and you simply want to include information from the Libris platform in those applications or expose certain Libris features to your users.
Event ReceiverYou will have to implement your own "Event Receiver" in your platform in order to receive the real time events generated by the Libris platform. If you do not want to consume any events, this is not a necessary step.Almost all integrations entail you implementing your own "Event Receiver" in order to react to and store Libris event data.
Portal IntegrationThe Libris web portal has the ability to reach out to your platform to obtain user information for a libris device (since we do not typically store user details in our platform) when needed.This is only needed in instances where your users are using the Numera web portal applications and active call pages, AND you want those screens to display your user detailed information on the screen.
Telehealth IntegrationOur Numera Net platform offers several flavors of integration to allow your platform to receive and consume measurement data from medical devices.This is a necessity for customers enrolled in our Libris+ Telehealth solution.
