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The action is used to save configuration settings for a device or a realm. Through the input parameters you can control whether you are simply updating certain settings or if you are doing a complete replacement, in which any options you do not send in will be deleted from the device. If updating a device, you can also control whether the change in settings triggers an update message being sent to the device (it does by default).

Input Parameters

realmnoIf you want to update a realm, which only users with AGENT_SUPERVISOR or above can do.
imeinoIf you want to return the configuration for a device
update_onlynoSet to true if you are only updating settings, OTHERWISE whatever you send in as the settings will replace the current configuration for the device.
skip_mailboxnoSet to true if you are updating a device's settings and you do not want the device to receive a mailbox message (by default, this automatically happens)
settingsyesAn array of setting objects you want to update, each setting needs the following structure:

* name - Setting name
* value - Setting value as a string, all values are strings


A result object with the current settings so you can see your changes reflected:

settingsAn array of setting objects:

* name - Setting name
* value - Setting value
* source - Will tell you where the setting comes from, SYSTEM, DEVICE, or the name of the realm

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000NO_REALM_OR_IMEIMissing information on request
1001NO_SETTINGS_SENTNothing to save
1002MISSING_NAME_OR_VALUEone of the settings is missing a name or value (don't include something to make it null)
1003DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTBad realm or device
