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Numera.LibrisAPI / device.ota

Home > API Reference Documentation > device.ota


The device.ota action will push an OTA package to a device. The device must be in the charger (with radios on) in order to receive the message and download the software.

Input Parameters

idyes, or imeiThe id of the device
imeiyes, or idThe imei of the device
releaseyesRelease number for the OTA, must match ota_release of the device realm
variantyesThe variant (such as EN) for the package, must be in the ota_variants for the realm


The result object will be empty.

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000NO_ID_OR_IMEIYou have to send in the device id or imei
1000NO_RELEASEMissing release argument
1000NO_VARIANTMissing variant argument
1001DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTCould not locate the device or the user does not have access to it
1001DEVICE_HAS_NO_REALMDevice does not have a realm
1001REALM_NOT_FOUNDThe realm on the device is invalid
1002RELEASE_NOT_ALLOWEDMust match release on realm
1002VARIANT_NOT_ALLOWEDMust be allowed variant on realm
1003OTA_NOT_FOUNDCould not find a package for that variant and release
