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Numera.LibrisAPI / device.publish_insights

Home > API Reference Documentation > device.publish_insights


The device.publish_insights action is used to enable or disable the publishing of the device's events to the insights platform which is used by the Everthere application. This is used by Everthere when a device is enrolled in the Everthere application and it requires Agent Supervisor or higher permissions. Note that if you call this action you may disrupt the normal behavior of the device within Everthere.

Input Parameters

idone ofThe id of the device
nameone ofThe name of the device
imeione ofThe imei of the device
publishyestrue/false - whether events should be sent to Everthere


The result object will be empty.

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000NO_IMEI_OR_ID_OR_NAMEYou have to send in the device id, name, or imei
1001DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTCould not locate the device or the user does not have access to it
1002REALM_DOES_NOT_SUPPORTThe realm the device is in does not support the use of Everthere
