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Numera.LibrisAPI / device.view

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The device.view action is used to load up all the device details for display, you must specify an imei or a name or an id.

Input Parameters

imeinoThe imei of the device you want to load
namenothe name of the device you want to load
idnoThe id of the device you want to load


The result object will contain the updated device information for you.

iddevice id
imeidevice imei
namedevice name is a string that can be set by the dealer or other customer and be treated as a custom identifier for the device, it has no other meaning in the platform
statusdevice status
realmdevice realm
has_keyset to true when a device has contacted the platform and received its secret key
config_statusstatus related to the device reading a config update from its mailbox when initiated from the partner config dashboard
last_classifytime of the last classify event
last_calibrationtime of the last calibration event
msisdnif active, the caller id of the device
iccidSIM id inside of the Libris unit
network_operatornetwork operator (ATT_EOD,ATT_RETAIL)
event_collector_idformally known as patient id, represents the id that points to the current event log for the device
settingscurrent configuration settings from the system, realms, and device as an array of these objects:
  • name - Setting name
  • value - Setting value
  • source - Will tell you where the setting comes from, SYSTEM, DEVICE, or the name of the realm
mailbox_messagesan array of mailbox messages that may be sitting in the device's mailbox waiting to be read:
  • topic - message type
  • body - body of the message
  • status - status
  • created - when it was created
  • alerted - when device was notified
  • read - when it was read
ota_log_messagesif available, a large string showing the log of the current OTA attempt for the device
communications_healthan object with the following properties, depicting how recently the device has communicated with the platform:
  • communication_with_network - how recently it contacted the platform
  • location_health - how recently it reported a location
  • charging_health - how recently it reported battery information and charge
registered_with_location_serviceswhether the device has been registered with network location services (depends on network carrier what this means)

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000NO_IMEI_OR_NAMEYou have to send in the imei or name or id to locate the device
1001DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXISTThe imei you supplied either does not exist or the user does not have permissions to use it
