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Numera.LibrisAPI / identity.update_role

Home > API Reference Documentation > identity.update_role


The identity.update_role action is used to update the role of an existing identity. This operation can only be performed by Agent Supervisors or above.

Input Parameters

emailnoThe email of the identity to update
account_idnoThe account_id of the identity to update
roleyesThe integer value for the new role


The identity will be placed into the result object with the following properties (documented here) if the identity was updated properly.

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000IDENTITY_NOT_FOUNDCould not find the identity to update
1001ROLE_OUT_OF_BOUNDSThe user tried to update the identity's role to a role higher in priveleges than their own
1002INVALID_ROLEAn invalid role value was passed in
