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Numera.LibrisAPI / realm.view

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The realm.view action is used to load up all the realm details.

Input Parameters

realmnoIf not specified, it uses the main realm the user is configured for
auto_net_tokennoFor the SDK use, set to true if you want to automatically be able to communicate with Numera.Net and your realm is configured to only allow this server-server and not for any realm requested by the user (should be used in multi-realm implementations where your SDK application allows multiple users from multiple realms).


The result object will contain the realm information.

idrealm id
namepartner name (should be same as realm)
ota_versioncurrent version for the realm
ota_releasecurrent release, will have either version OR release defined, not both
ota_variantsarray of allowable variants, each object will have a variant and a description
psap_enabledpsap services enabled
fall_detection_version1 or 2
late_fall_minute_thresholdnumber of minutes for a fall to be considered "in the past" when a call comes in - determines when the old call popup displays on the call page
settingscurrent configuration settings from the system and realm hierarchy as an array of objects with each one containing:
  • name - Setting name
  • value - Setting value
  • source - Will tell you where the setting comes from, SYSTEM or the name of the realm|
platform_parameterslibris platform parameters for the realm, defines items such as short code, etc., array of objects containing:
  • name - Setting name
  • value - Setting value
  • source - Will tell you where the setting comes from, SYSTEM or the name of the realm|
numera_net_tokencontains the numera net token details if requested, used internally by the SDK

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000NO_REALM_ACCESSUser does not have access to that realm
1001REALM_NOT_FOUNDThe realm is not found
