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Numera.LibrisAPI / telehealth.pair_device

Home > API Reference Documentation > telehealth.pair_device


You invoke this action to notify the Libris you want it to initiate the pairing process with a specific medical device. If the command is received by the Libris, it will report MedicalDevice events with the status information (you can get this information by polling with for the device).

Input Parameters

imeiyesimei of the Libris you want to begin pairing (the device must be on and in the hands of a user)
device_type_idyesThe id of the device to pair (from telehealth.medical_devices). Each medical device has a unique pairing process, so we need this information in order to tell the Libris how to pair


If successful, you will find a message_sent property set to true on the result object. You then watch the events to see the result of the pairing.

Possible Status Codes

Status CodeReasonDescription
1000NO_IMEImissing the imei in your request
1000NO_DEVICE_TYPE_IDmissing the the device type id in your request
1001DEVICE_NOT_FOUNDcould not locate the device with the imei you submitted
