error in logic of EPSSetUp (?)

Issue #10 closed
Tobias Möhle created an issue

Dear all,

I am not sure if I misunderstand the logic in there, but for me it looks as if there is an error in the EPSSetUp-function (line 272 ). As I see it, the respective error-message is printed if three conditions are fulfilled:

1) flg is true (i.e. STSINVERT or STCAYLEY is set)


3) eps->which is one of the EPS_TARGET_*.

And this error says: If I set STSINVERT, I should set eps->which to e.g. EPS_TARGET_MAGNITUDE. So I would expect that the third condition should be reversed, so that the error comes if I didn't set the target properly.

If I am wrong, I would highly appreciate some explanation what goes on there.

Thank you very much.

Comments (4)

  1. Jose E. Roman

    The condition that is implemented in the code is the opposite of your condition 3: eps->which is NOT any of EPS_TARGET_*. So the code seems correct. If you are getting this error unexpectedly, tell us which settings you use.

  2. Tobias Möhle reporter

    oh, you are right. It is true only if all eps->which are not the EPS_TARGET_*. This was my fault. I do get this error unexpectedly and just thought it was this reason; but maybe my expectations are just wrong :-) Let me just check my code; but maybe it is than still on my side. Anyway, thank you very much for the fast response.

  3. Tobias Möhle reporter

    ok; it turned out that it was indeed my own problem; I probably should have investigated it before in more detail. But thank you very much for your kind help.

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