Fortran stub for BVAXPY conflicts with the original

Issue #7 resolved
Shinsuke Ogawa created an issue

In PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_CAPS system (e.g. Intel Fortran on Windows), C symbol BVAXPY (all capital letter symbol) is not changed. It leads compilation error in make allfortanstubs.

Comments (4)

  1. Jose E. Roman

    The Fortran stub for this function was disabled more than one year ago, in this commit 4cd3795 - so I cannot imagine where the compilation error appears. Can you provide more details? Which is the exact error message? Which branch are you working on?

  2. Jose E. Roman

    Ok. It seems that the fix was introduced in the v3.6 branch, but was not applied as a patch to the release version at that time (3.5). We no longer maintain version 3.5, so you will have to apply the fix manually. I suggest to upgrade to the new version when possible.

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