Version 3.9.1 needed

Issue #33 resolved
Sigvald created an issue

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Comments (5)

  1. Jose E. Roman

    Please explain what you mean.

    Note that you can use slepc4py 3.9.0 with SLEPc 3.9.1. Is this what you want to do?

  2. Sigvald reporter

    Yes, actually that's what I wanted, slepc4py for slepc 3.9.1. I thought the dependency requirement referred to the full version number ("A matching version of SLEPc built with shared/dynamic libraries."). I will try this. Thanks.

  3. Jose E. Roman

    The relevant numbers for compatibility between PETSc and SLEPc, or SLEPc and slepc4py, are the major and minor version numbers (3.9 in this case). The last number just indicates different patch releases within the same version.

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