snakeyaml GitHub Actions - Failing for JDK7

Issue #555 closed
Lee Read created an issue

I noticed that snakeyaml GitHub Actions are currently failing and could help to fix, if that would be helpful.

The failure seems to be JDK7 related.

Have you considered dropping support for JDK7? It seems that even Oracle's “Extended Support” of JDK 7 has expired in July 2022.

Comments (9)

  1. Andrey Somov Account Deactivated

    I would rather remove the github action. Because it is useless anyway.

    SnakeYAML is using JDK 8 (because it is required in tests), but keeps Java 7 compatability.

    We build locally with all the JDKs locally (with the provided docker scripts)

  2. Lee Read reporter

    Ah, ok, thanks for the reply. I thought GitHub Actions might be how you were doing continuous integration.

    Feel free to close this issue (or I can delete that .github/ dir for you if you like).

  3. Lee Read reporter

    Oh, I see BitBucket pipelines now. (I am new to BitBucket).

    I guess one advantage of GitHub Actions is that you do not run out of credits there.

    I can replicate your docker scripts to GitHub Actions config if you see any value in that.

    Or I can just delete .github if that is better for you.

  4. Andrey Somov

    Synch GitHub Actions with current tests

    Dropped testing on JDKs 7 and 14. Added testing for JDK 17. Using temurin JDK distribution. No longer failing on first matrix job failure. Now caching maven dependencies.

    Closes #555

    → <<cset 5761670cd73b>>

  5. Lee Read reporter

    Awesome! Let me know if you see any value to also adding Windows to the matrix over there.

  6. Andrey Somov

    Do you mean to build 3 times (8, 11, 17) under Windows ? What is the added value ?

    We are not going to push to Maven Central anything built on Windows.

  7. Lee Read reporter

    Yeah, exactly so we’d double the number of jobs (ubuntu 8, 11, 17) and (windows 8, 11, 17).

    For my projects, I sometimes hit unexpected unit test failures on Windows. So I usually add Windows to the matrix to make sure my library is well-behaved on Windows too.

    But, this might not be a snakeyaml concern/problem, so it might not have added value. That’s fine too.

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