
SeanB Express the time roughly (e.g. About 5 minutes ago)

Updated by SeanB

File TimeAgo.pkg Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
     Integer iTotalDays
     TimeSpan ts30Secs 
     String sReturn 
-    Integer iSeconds
     Integer iMonths 
     DateTime dtTemp
+    Integer iSeconds
     Integer iYears 
     Move (SpanTotalSeconds(tsDescribe)) to iTotalSeconds
     Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays
     If (iTotalDays<1) Begin 
-        Move (DateSetSecond(ts30Secs,30)) to ts30Secs
-        Move (tsDescribe-ts30Secs) to tsDescribe
         Move (SpanTotalMinutes(tsDescribe)) to iTotalMinutes 
+        Move (DateGetSecond(tsDescribe)) to iSeconds
+        If (iSeconds>50) Move (iTotalMinutes +1) to iTotalMinutes 
         If (iTotalMinutes<48) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalMinutes, "minute")))
         If (iTotalMinutes<90) Function_Return "About an hour"
Updated by SeanB

File TimeAgo.pkg Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
     Integer iTotalDays
     TimeSpan ts30Secs 
     String sReturn 
+    Integer iSeconds
     Integer iMonths 
     DateTime dtTemp
     Integer iYears 
     Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays
     If (iTotalDays<1) Begin 
+        Move (DateSetSecond(ts30Secs,30)) to ts30Secs
+        Move (tsDescribe-ts30Secs) to tsDescribe
         Move (SpanTotalMinutes(tsDescribe)) to iTotalMinutes 
-        Move (DateGetSecond(tsDescribe)) to iSeconds
-        If (iSeconds>50) Move (iTotalMinutes +1) to iTotalMinutes 
         If (iTotalMinutes<48) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalMinutes, "minute")))
         If (iTotalMinutes<90) Function_Return "About an hour"
Updated by SeanB

File TimeAgo.pkg Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
     Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays
     If (iTotalDays<1) Begin 
-        Move (DateSetSecond(ts30Secs,30)) to ts30Secs
-        Move (tsDescribe-ts30Secs) to tsDescribe
         Move (SpanTotalMinutes(tsDescribe)) to iTotalMinutes 
+        Move (DateGetSecond(tsDescribe)) to iSeconds
+        If (iSeconds>50) Move (iTotalMinutes +1) to iTotalMinutes 
         If (iTotalMinutes<48) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalMinutes, "minute")))
         If (iTotalMinutes<90) Function_Return "About an hour"
Created by SeanB

File TimeAgo.pkg Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+Define timeago_justnow for "Just now"
+Define timeago_lessthan for "Less than %1 %2"
+Define timeago_halfminute for "Half a minute"
+Define timeago_lessthan_minute for "Less than a minute"
+Define timeago_about_1hour for "About 1 hour"
+Define timeago_long_ago for "A long time ago"
+Define timeago_future for "A long time in the future"
+Function Pluralize Global Integer iCount String sUnit Returns String 
+    If (iCount=1) Function_Return ((String(iCount))+" "+sUnit) 
+    Else Function_Return ((String(iCount))+" "+sUnit+"s")
+Function TimeSpanInWords Global TimeSpan tsDescribe Returns String 
+    Integer iTotalSeconds
+    Integer iTotalMinutes 
+    Integer iTotalHours
+    Integer iTotalDays
+    TimeSpan ts30Secs 
+    String sReturn 
+    Integer iMonths 
+    DateTime dtTemp
+    Integer iYears 
+    Move (SpanTotalSeconds(tsDescribe)) to iTotalSeconds
+    If (iTotalSeconds<60) Begin 
+        If (iTotalSeconds<=2) Function_Return timeago_justnow
+        If (iTotalSeconds<5) Function_Return (SFormat(timeago_lessthan,5,"seconds"))
+        If (iTotalSeconds<10) Function_Return (SFormat(timeago_lessthan,10,"seconds"))
+        If (iTotalSeconds<20) Function_Return (SFormat(timeago_lessthan,20,"seconds"))
+        If (iTotalSeconds<40) Function_Return timeago_halfminute
+        If (iTotalSeconds<60) Function_Return timeago_lessthan_minute
+    End
+    Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays
+    If (iTotalDays<1) Begin 
+        Move (DateSetSecond(ts30Secs,30)) to ts30Secs
+        Move (tsDescribe-ts30Secs) to tsDescribe
+        Move (SpanTotalMinutes(tsDescribe)) to iTotalMinutes 
+        If (iTotalMinutes<48) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalMinutes, "minute")))
+        If (iTotalMinutes<90) Function_Return "About an hour"
+        Move ((iTotalMinutes+30)/60) to iTotalHours
+        Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalHours, "hour")))
+    End 
+    If ((SpanHours(tsDescribe))>14) Move (iTotalDays+1) to iTotalDays
+    Move ((iTotalDays+10)/30) to iMonths 
+    If (iMonths < 1) Begin 
+        Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iTotalDays, "day")))
+    End
+    Move (SpanTotalDays(tsDescribe)) to iTotalDays
+    Move (CurrentDateTime()) to dtTemp
+    Move (DateSetDay(dtTemp,01)) to dtTemp
+    Move (DateSetMonth(dtTemp,01)) to dtTemp
+    Move (iYears-(DateGetYear(dtTemp))) to iYears 
+    Move ((Date(dtTemp))+iTotalDays) to dtTemp
+    Move (iYears+(DateGetYear(dtTemp))) to iYears 
+    Move (DateGetMonth(dtTemp)) to iMonths 
+    If ((DateGetDay(dtTemp)) > 17) Move (iMonths+1) to iMonths
+    Move (iMonths-1) to iMonths 
+    Move (iYears+(iMonths/12)) to iYears 
+    Move (Mod(iMonths,12)) to iMonths 
+    If (iYears=0) Function_Return ("About "+(Pluralize( iMonths, "month")))
+    Move ("About "+(Pluralize( iYears, "year"))) to sReturn
+    If (iMonths>2) Append sReturn " and " iMonths " months"
+    Function_Return sReturn 
+Function TimeBetweenInWords  Global DateTime dtFrom DateTime dtUpto Returns String 
+    TimeSpan tsDiff 
+    DateTime dtTmp
+    If (dtFrom > dtUpto) Begin 
+        Move dtFrom to dtTmp
+        Move dtUpto to dtFrom 
+        Move dtTmp to dtUpto 
+    End
+    If ((Date(dtFrom)) = "") Function_Return ""
+    If ((Date(dtUpto)) = "") Function_Return ""
+    If ((DateGetYear(dtFrom)) = 1753) Function_Return ""
+    If ((DateGetYear(dtUpto)) = 1753) Function_Return ""
+    Move (dtUpto-dtFrom) to tsDiff 
+    Function_Return (TimeSpanInWords(tsDiff))
+Function TimeAgo_WithPassedNow Global DateTime dtNow DateTime dtCompare Returns String 
+    String sReturn 
+    String sDirection
+    If (dtCompare > dtNow) Move "from now" to sDirection 
+    Else Move "ago" to sDirection 
+    If ((Date(dtCompare)) = "") Function_Return ""
+    If ((DateGetYear(dtCompare)) = 1753) Function_Return ""
+    If ((DateGetYear(dtCompare)) < 1801) Function_Return timeago_long_ago
+    If ((DateGetYear(dtCompare)) > 2100) Function_Return timeago_future
+    Move (TimeBetweenInWords(dtCompare, dtNow )) to sReturn 
+    If (sReturn<>timeago_justnow) Move (sReturn + " " + sDirection) to sReturn 
+    Function_Return sReturn 
+Function TimeAgo Global DateTime dtCompare Returns String 
+    DateTime dtNow 
+    Move (CurrentDateTime()) to dtNow 
+    Function_Return (TimeAgo_WithPassedNow(dtNow,dtCompare))

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