
Clone wiki

CatArmory / FAQ

Missing icons

  1. If all icons are missing, check if you didn't skipped Getting icons step in Instalation guide.
  2. If only big icons are missing and you have all PNGs in '/icons' directory, check your webserver configuration. There can be alias for "/icons" to "/usr/apache/icons"
  3. If only some sort of icons are missing (14x14 or 32x32), ensure you've ran icons/ script: cd icons; perl

Missing content

  1. If there was content and before git pull and is not after it - delete cache directory. Anyway, I recommend doing this every time after updating CatArmory (variables are changing sometimes).
  2. You can also try to re-run tools/ and tools/ As project develops, missing columns are being added to database, which requires deleting old tables and creating new ones. Any changes in DBC or DB2 tables are mentioned in commits. Read them while updating!
