Support update by reloading of kobotoolbox surveys [2021:HPR]

Issue #1015 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Background: Kobotoolbox will be recommended for QuarterlyReport and other ad-hoc data collection needs such as the Covid-19 school preparedness survey. I think the integrated QuartelyReport Survey in the EMIS schema will be deprecated in favor of kobotoolbox.


  • Make currently implementation robust
  • Unable updating of data when reloading the same survey. Currently it just add all the data. We need a cleanup similar to when loading an annual census workbook

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Key issue here is to determine what constitutes ‘the same’ inspection ( all kobo loads go into school inspections).

    I suggest:

    a match on school no, inspection type and Start ( date). this makes Start date mandatory, otherwise if Start date is null it will never match and hence it will always create a new record.

    @ghachey do you have a sample file?

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    I’ve shared a sample file I was using when testing integration in the usual cloud drive.. All kobotoolbox come in with a _uuid. So any survey completed will be unique using that ID. I think this is the best and simplest way.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Mapping of kobotoolbox columns as below:

    • start=>inspStart
    • end=>inspEnd
    • inspectionType => (type on inspection set)
    • inspBy => inspBy
    • schNo => schNo
    • note => Note

    Basic data validation should be

    • Check school exist in EMIS (closed or not)
    • Check inspectionType exists in EMIS
    • Required columns: start, end, inspectionType, inspBy, and _id which comes by default

  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    feat(kobo): Enhancements to kobo processing: improved validations, enhanced upload UI, support for updates/insert, dynamic display of data in School Inspection item

    Resolves #1015

    → <<cset f841fdc87705>>

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