Photos not available in school document when school accreditation loaded

Issue #1056 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Comments (6)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I think I prefer that when we approve the inspection that the photos all get downloaded locally and not just an ID created. If Google decides to change things that would affect retrieval of photos then at least we have our local copies for the loaded inspections. On approval the downloading of all photos can just fork in the background, I don’t think we need to wait for that for the Approval success feedback. Perhaps just set a flag photosDownloadStatus = complete or something like that once that thread would complete. We could optionally show this in the cloudfile somewhere and a simple reload is all that should be required if not all photos are correctly downloaded.

    I know that FSM really wanted easy access to photos. We’ll eventually need a place also where they can download all their photos as they have requested that. But this is another work. Let’s sort this one out first

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    The approach with this has been that the google photos are “lazy loaded”; the Document record is reated for them in advance of getting the file, then the document is downloaded and added to the fileDb the first time it is accessed. From then on, any reference to the google file by its google Id will be recognized as referring to the local file, so that local file gets returned.

    Only situation where this did not work was in the display of a “thumbnail”, the fix to this is the major change in the resolution of this issue.

    So the access to the cloud files is transparent,

    I think redesigning this around an asynchronous process to handle this is overkill, and in the end more confusing for the user to introduce a new status flag.

    Also included is:

    – addition of photos (and comment in answer) to the survey tab of the loaded School Accreditation, and Survey tab of Cloudfile.

    – nicer display on photos tab of cloudfile

    So there is more ways to get to these files now noting that #1055 is not addressed by this.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis Upon thinking about it again I agree loading everything could be overkill. I do worry about Google changing things with API but then other things would likely need to be “fixed” as well. However, client is requesting all photos be downloaded for their own archives. How would you propose this. Can you do a “Download All Photos” in the System Admin menu that would iteratively pull all photos to a local drive? Without of course reloading the ones already downloaded? Any ideas to meet this client requirements?

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