How to count schools on Uis Survey?

Issue #1110 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Page A12 of the UIS survey collects counts of schools by ISCED Level.

But pretty much every school teaches across multiple levels - e,g. a K12 school is ISCED0 ISCED1 ISCED2 and ISCED3!

How to we classify schools into ISCED1 ISCED2 ISCED3?

Comments (9)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    @ghachey appreciate your thinking on this.


    1. school is assigned to the highest ISCED Level it teaches.
    2. school is assigned to the ISCED Level in which it has maximum enrolment.
    3. Fractional value is assigned to each ISCED Level pro-rated by enrolment, then summed and rounded.

    This SQL implements option 2:

    Select *, row_number() over (PARTITION By SchNo ORDER BY E Desc) RNFROM(
    Select schNo, [ISCED Level], sum(Enrol) E
    from warehouse.Enrol
    INNER JOIN DimensionLevel DLON Enrol.ClassLevel = DL.LevelCode
    GRoup by schNo, [ISCED Level]) UORDER BY schNo, [ISCED Level]
    Select *FROM(Select *, row_number() over (PARTITION By SchNo ORDER BY E Desc) RNFROM(
    Select schNo, [ISCED Level], sum(Enrol) E
    from warehouse.Enrol
    INNER JOIN DimensionLevel DLON Enrol.ClassLevel = DL.LevelCode
    GRoup by schNo, [ISCED Level]) U) U2WHERE RN = 1ORDER BY [ISCED Level]
    Select [ISCED Level], count(*) NumSchoolsFROM(Select *, row_number() over (PARTITION By SchNo ORDER BY E Desc) RNFROM(
    Select schNo, [ISCED Level], sum(Enrol) E
    from warehouse.Enrol
    INNER JOIN DimensionLevel DLON Enrol.ClassLevel = DL.LevelCode
    GRoup by schNo, [ISCED Level]) U) U2WHERE RN = 1GROUP BY [ISCED Level]

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    @Brian Lewis I believe that a school is counted at a level as soon as it teaches that level and therefore the total count across all ISCED levels will be more then the total count of schools in the country.

    That said, I think your options are also good to have (one of them maybe) but perhaps to provide with a parameter ?countOnceOnly with a default of False?!

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    Ok - well that’s simpler i guess. Also we can then use the W switch:

    to indicate the duplication?

    Is this something you could run by Unesco?

  4. Brian Lewis reporter

    fyi this query does the prorata calculation 3) above:

    Select surveyYear
    , [ISCED LEvel]
    , sum(E) E
    , sum(ProRate) NumSchools
    Select Enrol.schNo, Enrol.surveyYear, [ISCED Level], sum(Enrol) E , Tot, convert(float,sum(Enrol) )/Tot ProRate
    from warehouse.Enrol
    INNER JOIN DimensionLevel DL
        ON Enrol.ClassLevel = DL.LevelCode
        Select schNo
        , SurveyYear
        , Enrol TOT
        from warehouse.EnrolSchoolR
    ) T
    ON Enrol.SchNo = T.schNo and Enrol.surveyYear = T.surveyYear
    GRoup by Enrol.schNo, Enrol.SurveyYear ,[ISCED Level], Tot
    ) UU
    GROUP BY surveyYear, [ISCED Level]
    ORDER BY surveyYear, [ISCED Level]

  5. Ghislain Hachey

    @Brian Lewis It is confirmed by SPC/UIS. It is expected to have schools classified in multiple ISCED level in A12. So this should be our default and you do not need to specify the 'W' switch either. If you already have a working solution to classify schools in a single ISCED level as discussed above we can still keep it. You mentioned the UIS export does not use RESTful endpoints but uses backend calls directly. In that case, leave whatever code in the backend that is capable of handling classificiation into single ISCED level with a comment.

  6. Brian Lewis reporter

    @Ghislain Hachey Checkins for #1130 resolve warehouse.uisA12 implements the calculation as defined by consultation with uis. Note the same logic - schools counted against each ISCED level they teach at - also applies on sheetA13, and the school audit sheet introduced in #1130 shows the ISCED levels for each school.

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