Increase prominence of Islands/Region disaggregation in user interfaces

Issue #1116 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

While District is commonly a main disaggregation it turns out from feedback that Islands/Region is just as important and often more so. We need to make this available in all dashboards.

If and when this work goes ahead it should also be done in

where the issues are not created yet. And it should also be like this in publications such as Digest (which it already is).

Comments (12)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Additional related feedback from Frank:

    Yes... District names and labels appear in KEMIS...but this is not a geography used by the MOE in their administration and management of the school system.

    Therefore it is actually confusing and somewhat useless to have the Districts listed.

    Not sure how/why these Districts were introduced into KEMIS.

    Yes.... with many designated ISLANDS that are actually used in the administration, it becomes a challenge to display.

    Maybe.... one initial thought/suggestion to someone who will be paid to develop and maintain the KEMIS....

    show the 3 distinct groups: Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, Line Islands

    user can select one of these groups and then the dropdown list displays all the ISLANDS/settlements in that group.

    I think the distinct groups could be configured in lkpRegions in the EMIS.

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Line and Phoenix Islands are collectively referred to as “Linnix” in Kiribati - of the Phoenix chain, only one is inhabitated (Kanton) and there is a single school there with only 7 kids. So grouping by island chain doesn't give us any useful search or aggregation.

    The districts (effectively dividing the Gilberts where the vast majority of the population lives into North Central and South) have been since the inception of KEMIS the major organising model of MoE, with District Education Officers assigned to each District (including Linnix district). Support for District aggregation naturally supports federal systems such as FSM, Solomons.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    That's noted on Kiribati. Nonetheless, we need more prominence of Island/Region disaggregation in analysis.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    This also came up with a discussion with Andrew Erbs, so there must be something here that needs (hopefully) fine tuning:

    adjust default views from ‘District’ to ‘Island’

  5. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I’m working on this. I’ve got a branch with most of this stuff working and a few related bug fixes (e.g. It does add a fair bit of data to load on dashboard loads and will undoubtedly take longer to load. But this is less my concern than providing the disaggregations that all countries look for. I’m also thinking that once compressed the load time will not be significantly higher. One quick optimization that could be done is doing away with the Authority disaggregation support in the online dashboard, it is never used and if needed can be achieved through warehouse connection, etc. I would want to avoid a large amount of work in restructuring things for a major optimization when such larger efforts should really be towards the latest angular eventual migration.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Actually, removing Authority does not provide a major optimization benefit so leaving for now.

  7. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Fiddler stats before increasing amount of data (including island and region disaggregations) for Schools Dashboard.

  8. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis I have this working in a branch along with various polishing of the dashboards for all countries.

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