RMI UIS exporter possible issues

Issue #1139 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Need to review this for RMI.

This yellow normal?

And what about this funny yellow stuff?

Sheet A5 seems missing.

Some more funny yellow stuff? Also it indicated M for missing but I don’t see where the missing data is.

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Summary of issues:

    – needed to update the ISCED codes list to the new format ; ie sub levels in the form ISCED 24, top level ISCED 1, ISCED 2 etc. DONE in the production RMI data

    • yellow bits - some are columns that are intended to be hidden; this is changed in the template REDPLOYED to Miemis live.
    • other yellow bits are an alert displayed when there is both a quantity and the 'M' flag. This has been occurring in ISCED 34 because there are 2 class level USPP, USPF, that were assigned to ISCED 34, but the were note used ( ie no school type uses these class levels). Changing the ISCED level to ISCED 99 for these makes the M go away, and hence also the yellow bits in ISCED 34 columns.
    • sheet A5 - fixed by a stored proc sync

    So uis survey can now the run on MIEMIs live - not on the menu , navigate to #!/uis

    Try also the new UIS Audit Data option on that page.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter
    • changed status to open

    Re-opening this as I still see what seems to be another issue. There are not teachers in A9 and A10 sheets. It's all 0s everywhere.

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