Typescript Compilation errors in Error List window

Issue #1140 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

For some reason(s). the Error List window reports numerous compilation errors - proably due to increasing stringency of Typescript type-checking as versions advance.

These errors have no material impact, since we don’t rely on Visual Basic to compile the typescript (it is done via the grunt script) but it would be good to clear this window out as it looks messy.

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
    Error TS2610 (TS) 'palette' is defined as an accessor in class 'DashboardChild', but is overridden here in 'SpecialEdSeriesController' as an instance property. D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\tsconfig.json D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\app\ts\Features\SpecialEd\Dashboard\YearSeries.Component.ts 12 Active
    Error TS2610 (TS) 'highlight' is defined as an accessor in class 'DashboardChild', but is overridden here in 'Controller' as an instance property. D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\tsconfig.json D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\app\ts\Features\Teacher\Dashboard\AgeQualChart.Component.ts 25 Active
    Error TS2610 (TS) 'filters' is defined as an accessor in class 'DashboardChild', but is overridden here in 'Controller' as an instance property. D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\tsconfig.json D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\app\ts\Features\Teacher\Dashboard\AgeQualChart.Component.ts 26 Active
    Error TS2610 (TS) 'palette' is defined as an accessor in class 'DashboardChild', but is overridden here in 'Controller' as an instance property. D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\tsconfig.json D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\app\ts\Features\Wash\Dashboard\DistrictTable.Component.ts 230 Active
    Error TS2610 (TS) 'palette' is defined as an accessor in class 'DashboardChild', but is overridden here in 'Controller' as an instance property. D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\tsconfig.json D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\app\ts\Features\Wash\Dashboard\WaterBySchool.Component.ts 214 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\Exams\SoeExamHandler.cs 19 Active
    Warning CS0105 The using directive for 'Pineapples.Models' appeared previously in this namespace Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\Exams\StdExamHandler.cs 14 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\Exams\StdExamHandler.cs 21 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\FinancialDataController.cs 29 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\ScholarshipsController.cs 76 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\ScholarshipsController.cs 169 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\SpecialEdStudentsController.cs 84 Active
    Warning CS1998 This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Controllers_Api\StudentsController.cs 76 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.cellClass' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 78 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.cellFilter' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 79 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.cellTemplate' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 80 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.cellTooltip' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 81 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableColumnMenu' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 83 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableColumnMenus' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 84 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableFiltering' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 85 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableHiding' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 86 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableSorting' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 87 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.filter' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 89 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.filterCellFiltered' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 90 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.filterHeaderTemplate' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 91 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.filters' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 92 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.footerCellClass' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 93 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.footerCellFilter' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 94 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.footerCellTemplate' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 95 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.headerCellClass' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 96 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.headerCellFilter' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 97 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.headerCellTemplate' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 98 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.headerTooltip' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 99 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.maxWidth' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 100 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.minWidth' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 101 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.sortCellFiltered' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 103 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.suppressRemoveSort' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 104 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.cellEditableCondition' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 110 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.editDropdownFilter' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 111 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.editDropdownIdLabel' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 112 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.editDropdownValueLabel' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 113 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.editableCellTemplate' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 114 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableCellEdit' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 115 Active
    Warning CS0169 The field 'ColumnDef.enableCellEditOnFocus' is never used Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\Models\GridOptions.cs 116 Active
    Warning CS0618 'ExcelPivotTable.ColumGrandTotals' is obsolete: 'Use correctly spelled property 'ColumnGrandTotals'' Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\ExcelOutput\ExcelPublisher.cs 56 Active
    Warning CS0618 'ExcelPivotTable.ColumGrandTotals' is obsolete: 'Use correctly spelled property 'ColumnGrandTotals'' Pineapples D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\ExcelOutput\ExcelPublisher.cs 74 Active
    Warning TS6053 (JS) File 'D:/files/vsprojects/pineapples/Pineapples/scripts/vendor/signalr/Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.js' not found. Pineapples JavaScript Content Files D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\scripts\vendor\signalr\jquery.signalR.js 12 Active
    Warning TS6053 (JS) File 'D:/files/vsprojects/pineapples/Pineapples/scripts/vendor/signalr/jquery.signalR.version.js' not found. Pineapples JavaScript Content Files D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples\scripts\vendor\signalr\jquery.signalR.js 13 Active

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    The errors that show up in the Error List window are caused by VS doing this check with typescript 4 - which reports some errors not reported by Typescript 3.9.

    This is probably a good thing - because we can get an advance look at what will happen in upgrading to typescript 4.

    Two other main classes of warnings are unused variables and async without await.

    Errors have also come from js files missing in the \scripts folder. This is becuase they have been moved from vendor to remotable parent folder, or else removed altogether.

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    Error TS2610 (TS) 'palette' is defined as an accessor in class 'DashboardChild', but is overridden here in 'Controller' as an instance property. D:\files\vsprojects\pineapples\Pineapples.Client\src\tsconfig.json

    It turns out that this mismatch between instance property and accessor does have an impact - the vaiour color schemes intended for different view options in specied yearseries.component never worked as intended.

    This is resolved now - changing the view option now changes the palette as intended.

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