Improve name searching on Students

Issue #1146 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Principally this is motivated by the need to reconcile the students list to the names independently collected in the Exams system.

Comments (2)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Implementation (open to discussion) is as follows:

    – if Given Name and/or Family Name is entered into search window without wild card, an exact match search is performed.

    If either given name or Family Name contains a * , then this triggers a fuzzy search.

    The search will then match using

    1. Like, rather than = , respecting the wild card entered by the user
    2. Soundex - will match on Soundex
    3. Swap - will match on a swap of Given and Family Names, the match may be = or ‘like’ or soundex.

    If a fuzzy search is used, the results are forced into a search order showing the ‘best’ matches first; e.g. exact matches, then like, then swap, then soundex

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