Panel Close navigation: BACK not UP

Issue #1155 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Problems were identified in Indicator drill downs becuase they were not child states of the indicator page, so navigating UP to parent did not work here.

Change panelClose logic as follows:

binding may accept: true: = go Back via history ; if no history (e.g. a page in a new tab) go UP

string: = state name to go to on close

{name: string, params} a representation of a state and params. Navigate here.

Going BACK rather than UP as a defaults offers some advantages:

  • in 99% of cases, it doesn't make a difference in current usage
  • however, we can potentially invoke e.g. school page from any context, and return to the calling page when the school page is closed. This opens up rich opportunities for traversing states flexibly.

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