Exams module extensions [2022:HPR]

Issue #1163 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The following shall be added to the current exams module

  • Add support for Test Analysis (i.e. KR20, Cronbach’s Alpha, Distractor analysis, etc.). At a minimum it should support all the ones in the Test Analysis sheet of the AllSchools workbook of the legacy SOE tool. Additional relevant features can be added also.
  • Support for an Exams tab in the Student profile page. Currently only matching students would have their exams data under their profile. The process of entering correct student names and ID needs to be improved for this to improved. Perhaps access to the Candidates students in the UI to “fix” the data there might be a worthy data improvement tool to consider
  • Support for yearly trends on results where data is available for the same subject/grade.
  • New exams analysis (i.e. by teacher, student vs sped thus we’ll need to load teachers, sped boolean at the least)
  • Any other missing SOE feature
  • Consider creating teachers and students when there are no matches to benefits from the dedupers
  • Support for a custom item 61 answer in high school exam. Should be able to take a score 0 to 4 instead of a multiple choice A-D. Then this is used “list of high school passing student” report.

Comments (11)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    @Ghislain Hachey None of the exam workbooks I have for testing have a “Test Analysis” page - can you send me one through please.

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    The following is some sketches that calculate Cronbach Alpha using the ExamCandidateItems data.

    Also on the way to that is an analisys of each question, how many people answered each of the possible answers, % correct.

    --select top 1000  *
    --from ExamCandidateItems I
    --  INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
    --      ON I.excID = C.excID
    --WHERE exID = 32
    declare @ID int = 32
    select DISTINCT substring(exItemCode, 10, 8), exITemCode
    from ExamCandidateItems I
        INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
            ON I.excID = C.excID
    WHERE exID = @ID
    order by substring(exItemCode, 10, 8)
    -- get a column of data for EXcel
    --select exciResult 
    --from ExamCandidateItems I
    --  INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
    --      ON I.excID = C.excID
    --WHERE exID = 32
    --ANd exItemCode = 'ITEM_004_MS0401010104M_CCC'
    --select exItemCode
    --, case exciResponse when 'A' then 1 end A
    --, case exciResponse when 'B' then 1 end B
    --, case exciResponse when 'C' then 1 end c
    --, case exciResponse when 'D' then 1 end D
    --, exciResult 
    --from ExamCandidateItems I
    --  INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
    --      ON I.excID = C.excID
    --WHERE exID = 32
    --ANd exItemCode = 'ITEM_001_MS0401010101M_AAA'
        excID uniqueidentifier
    Declare @t TABLE
    exID int
    , item nvarchar(100)
    , A int NULL
    , B int NULL
    , C int NULL
    , D int NULL
    , E int NULL
    , Answer nvarchar(1)
    , Responses int
    , Correct int
    , CorrectPerc decimal(6,3)
    , Variance float
    Declare @B TABLE
    exID int
    , B nvarchar(100)
    , Responses int
    , Correct int
    , Items int
    , CorrectPerc decimal(6,3)
    , GroupVariance float
    , SumItemVariance float
    , CronbachAlpha float
    INSERT INTO @F Select top 10000 excID from ExamCandidates WHERE exID = @ID
    select exID
    , substring(exItemCode,10,8)
    , sum(case exciResponse when 'A' then 1 end) A
    , sum(case exciResponse when 'B' then 1 end) B
    , sum(case exciResponse when 'C' then 1 end) C
    , sum(case exciResponse when 'D' then 1 end) D
    , sum(case exciResponse when 'E' then 1 end) E
    , min(case when exciResult = 1 then exciResponse end) Answer
    , count(*) Responses
    , sum(exciResult) Correct
    , convert(float,sum(exciResult) * 100)/count(*) CorrectPerc
    , var(exciResult) Variance
    from ExamCandidateItems I
        INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
            ON I.excID = C.excID
    WHERE exID = @ID
    AND I.excID in (Select excID from @F)
    GROUP BY exID, exItemCode
    ORDER BY exID, exItemCode
    Select * from @t
    ORDER BY item
    --Select excID
    --, Item_001, Item_002, Item_003, Item_004, Item_005, Item_006, Item_007, Item_008, Item_009, Item_010
    --select I.excID
    --, left(exItemCode,8) Item
    ----, sum(case exciResponse when 'A' then 1 end) A
    ----, sum(case exciResponse when 'B' then 1 end) B
    ----, sum(case exciResponse when 'C' then 1 end) C
    ----, sum(case exciResponse when 'D' then 1 end) D
    ----, sum(case exciResponse when 'E' then 1 end) E
    ----, min(case when exciResult = 1 then exciResponse end) Answer
    --, sum(exciResult) Correct
    ----, convert(float,sum(exciResult) * 100)/count(*) CorrectPerc
    ----, var(exciResult) Variance
    --from ExamCandidateItems I
    --  INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
    --      ON I.excID = C.excID
    --WHERE exID = 32
    ----ANd exItemCode = 'ITEM_001_MS0401010101M_AAA'
    --GROUP BY I.excID, exItemCode
    --) Src
    --  sum(Correct)  
    --  FOR Item in (Item_001, Item_002, Item_003, Item_004, Item_005, Item_006, Item_007, Item_008, Item_009, Item_010)
    --) AS PivotTable;  
    select I.excID
    , substring(exItemCode,10,8) B
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'A' then 1 end) A
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'B' then 1 end) B
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'C' then 1 end) C
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'D' then 1 end) D
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'E' then 1 end) E
    --, min(case when exciResult = 1 then exciResponse end) Answer
    , sum(exciResult) Correct
    , count(*) Responses
    , count(Distinct exItemCode) Items
    , convert(float,sum(exciResult) * 100)/count(*) CorrectPerc
    from ExamCandidateItems I
        INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
            ON I.excID = C.excID
    WHERE exID = @ID
    AND I.excID in (Select excID from @F)
    GROUP BY I.excID,  substring(exItemCode,10,8) 
    , B
    , Responses
    , Correct 
    , Items
    , CorrectPerc 
    , GroupVariance 
    , B
    , sum(Responses) Responses
    , sum(Correct) Correct
    , min(Items)Items
    , convert(float,sum(Correct) * 100)/sum(Responses) CorrectPerc
    , var(Correct) GroupVariance
    select exID
    , I.excID
    , substring(exItemCode,10,8) B
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'A' then 1 end) A
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'B' then 1 end) B
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'C' then 1 end) C
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'D' then 1 end) D
    --, sum(case exciResponse when 'E' then 1 end) E
    --, min(case when exciResult = 1 then exciResponse end) Answer
    , sum(exciResult) Correct
    , count(*) Responses
    , count(Distinct exItemCode) Items
    , convert(float,sum(exciResult) * 100)/count(*) CorrectPerc
    from ExamCandidateItems I
        INNER JOIN ExamCandidates C
            ON I.excID = C.excID
    WHERE exID = 32
    AND I.excID in (Select excID from @F)
    GROUP BY exID, I.excID,  substring(exItemCode,10,8) 
    ) SUB
    GROUP BY exID, B
    ORDER BY exID, B
    set sumItemVariance = T.SumItemVariance
    , CronbachAlpha = convert(float,Items) / (ITems- 1) * (1 - (T.sumItemVariance / GRoupVAriance))
    FROM @B
    Select Item, sum(Variance) SumItemVariance
    FROM @T
    ) T
    ON [@B].B = T.Item
    Select * from @B

    Obviously this forms the basis of a permanent addition to warehouse upload, possibly producing these new analysis tables (@T, @b above)

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    @Brian Lewis i sent the link to a private share where you should be able to get plenty of workbooks that include the Test Analysis sheet.

  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    This display is repeated for each question on the exam on new tab ‘Test Analysis’

    This provides all the item analysis off the Soe workbook Test Analysis :

    • Number of candidates for each response;
    • percent of candidates for each response,
    • assessment of Hard/Moderate/Easy,
    • identification of ‘strong distractors’

    The ‘correct answer is highlighted in the table, and same color in chart. Otherwise colors are consistent for each response A B C D E F - ie the default color is overriden by the 'Correct color’ in the chart

    The ‘p-value’ ; ie the percentage correct, is clearly shown in the table.

    Strong distractors are highlighted in the table (bold red). These are items where the number of responses for that distractor > the number of correct responses.

    The Easy Moderate Hard classification is built into the Item Code. This is displayed.

    In Soe workbook, the EMH is assessed as :

    < 33.3 => Hard

    < 66.6 => Moderate

    <-100 => Easy

    If the assessed EMH matches the expected a tick is shown. Otherwise the assessed EMH is shown

  5. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Calculation of Cronbach’s Alpha and its related Standard Error of Measurement:

    Note that Cronbacah’s Alpha gives the same result as Kudur Richardson KR-20 when the items only take binary values 1 or 0.. So there is no point presenting both!

  6. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Calculation of Discrimination Index:

    This is calculated for each item.

    This is NEW - not currently calculated in Soe workbook.

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