Cloudfiles multiple delete feature [2022:HPR]

Issue #1167 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

The cloudfiles List view shall have a colum that check boxes can be selected so that the user can delete multiple cloudfiles all at once instead of the more time consuming View → Delete, View → Delete, etc. process

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Would this delete good photos in the case a merged survey would be deleted before the completed survey would be approved (loaded and photos loaded)? This would need a quick test. Not sure when merging surveys offline whether copied photos keep the same Google file ID and this are essentially the same cloud file. In that case, this could be dangerous. I can test this before we push to production.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    After testing the mentioned above scenario I can confirm that when merging the photos transferred to another tablet they have the same Google file ID and are presumably the exact same cloudfile. Thus deleting a merged file before loading it’s team leader’s completed file will in fact delete the photos from the cloud account before they can be loaded into the system. Thus deleting cloudfiles now must be done with great care and only after all ready surveys have been loaded.1

    It would probably be a good idea to have some user message on the delete operation that warns of this.

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