Exams module issues

Issue #1171 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Some issues remaining. Some might be just a fix in data others perhaps not. Will list them here as I encounter them so we can review and resolve.

Unexpected missing numbers in the individual schools Exams tab. Seems I we should get the candidate count summary since there are results to display for that school.

I think this error is raised because the item metadata are not consistently of the same exams (e.g. AS08, MS08, BS08, etc.) However, this is normal for High School Exams with items from various subject (math, engligh, etc.)

Can we display a longer dashboard components for RMI Districts.

Issue here. It does seem to load an exam record. But as shown in the figure right after all exams with that error during the loading process there no analysis Indicator, Benchmark and Standard (though a chart shows for Exam)

Another type of unclear error.

All the errors so far can be seem with some of the 2016-17 tests. All the data can be found in the Google Drive share as shown below. Those data files are cleaned up versions of the previously shared MISAT data.

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    String would be trauncated casued by an excel error Value in an answer cell - implemented some validations on answer values

    No table 3 - Audit table not alwasys returned when the process aborts due to errors detected - fixed.

    Both SQL fixes to pExamWrite.loadSoeExam

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