Grid edit: provide dropdowns for year and table

Issue #123 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

year should be driven by available survey years ( from lookups) for now, table can be ENROL -> Enrolment REP -> Repeaters

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey
    • ENROL -> Enrolment
    • REP -> Repeaters
    • DIS -> Disability
    • TRIN -> Transfers In
    • TROUT -> Transfers Out* ENROL_PRI ENROL_SEC
  2. Ghislain Hachey

    feat(grid): enhance data grid querying

    • support data grid change on selection of year or table definition
    • add lookup tableDefs to query various supported data grids
    • improve UI style consistency

    Closes: #123

    → <<cset 3b2e1a8ae4ca>>

  3. Ghislain Hachey

    feat(grid): enhance data grid querying

    • support data grid change on selection of year or table definition
    • add lookup tableDefs to query various supported data grids
    • improve UI style consistency

    Closes: #123

    → <<cset 115972e3667f>>

  4. Ghislain Hachey

    feat(grid): enhance data grid querying

    • support data grid change on selection of year or table definition
    • add lookup tableDefs to query various supported data grids
    • improve UI style consistency

    Closes: #123

    → <<cset 115972e3667f>>

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