Exams process to load metadata

Issue #1230 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

How do we currently load exam meta data. There are two things here that still seems to require manual processing

  • The exam achievement levels and their description for the year. It seems to default to RMI’s version (Beginning, Developing, Proficient and Advanced). Perhaps the cleanest way to do this is in another sheet in the exams upload file (i.e. the sheet after the year sheet) and include the 4 levels described there.
  • The exam’s indicators, benchmarks and standards descriptions. We know from the data item heads (ITEM_001_BS0602030101E_CCC) the item’s grade level, standard, benchmark and indicator IDs and the item’s valid answer. Perhaps the cleanest way to do this is in another sheet of the same exam’s upload file (i.e. the sheet after the year sheet). We could do a couple of basic checks to make sure all descriptions are loaded, etc.

Comments (4)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    The proposed and agreed method of loading descriptions of standards, benchmarks and indicators is to use a web form in a tab in the exam’s item page. For convenience, there is a stored procure that can pre-populate from previous year’s description when they are the same.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    [The idea below will not be implement at this time]

    I wonder if while doing this work we should not add support to also load curriculum versions of descriptions. I know various teachers and principals have complained of the difficulty posed by the mismatch between the curriculum code/descriptions and the NMCT code/descriptions (in particular benchmarks but it would be standard, benchmarks and indicators.) This was also raised in the past by exams specialist consultant in his final report.

    I’m thinking something like this (shown for benchmark only).

    The stored procedure could be modified to port from past in a similar way. On the web form it could be side by side with the standard description perhaps in a hidden “advanced frame”. This way should this ever be needed it would only become a matter of getting the users to load the curriculum descriptions and fine tune reports to use those instead.

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