Cascading input controls (report parameters)

Issue #1335 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

In JasperServer there is a feature called cascading input controls. It’s basically parameters based on previously chosen parameters (e.g. Select country, then state/province, then city). This is often very useful to filter large parameter list such as exams candidates. Here it is in action in JasperServer.

But in the EMIS this is static.

Evaluate possibility of making the report parameters dynamic like it behaves in JasperServer.

Comments (6)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    After further review.

    Yes, I don't see there is any way to do that. What we can do is prompt for the exam, prompt for Year, and select the sutdent using the StudentFinder. The StudentFinder will not be filtered in anyway, but that's not so terrible becuase it finds your student as you type in the name.

    the query that populates an input is not exposed in the jasper data we get, so there is no way to understand in general terms how to refresh that query. Trying to do this would be a massive increase in complexity for the sake of not a lot of added benefit I think. Now you have the school , teacher and student finders linked in to the Jasper Options Dialog, the prblem of unwieldy dropdown lists (which is largely what this cascading is trying to address) goes away.

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