Fixes and Enhancements to JasperReport parameter dialog

Issue #1343 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Changes to implement:

– convert this dialog to AngularJS Material controls

– support inputs of type Date

– disable the RunReport buttons until all parameters are valid

– respect any minValue, maxValue that is part of the Jasper input controls

  • action any regex pass in for a string parameter ('pattern' in Jasper)

Provide specific handling when the report input control is sourced from any of these:

– /Input_Controls/SchoolNo : use the school-finder control which provides a dynamic search

– /Input_Controls/CandidateID : use the studentl-finder control

– /Input_Controls/TeacherNo: use the (new) teacher-finder control

– /Input_Controls/Year: numeric box with default min and max (1500-2500 ?) to force 4 digit entry

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Implementation of ‘short cut’ lookups: this is an input_control defined simpley as singleValueText, but the description is set to

    lookup>(lookup name)

    where (lookup name) is defined in the lookup object.

    The input dialog will render this parameter using the lookupSelector component, so the options are supplied by the cached lookup object in the client. This makes it easer potentially to set up lookups based on parameters as no query is required on the JasperServer.

    Note that using this technique

    • you can still supply a value for the lookup from the ‘Context’
    • you still get a dropdown list of values in the Reports Parameter Dialog
    • if running the report directly from jasper server, you can still enter a value as straight text, but you don;t get a dropdown list.

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Change to interpretation of input controls:

    Input_Controls/CandidateID : use a new exam candidate finder. This finder will display the candidate name, exam code and exam year in the dropdown, and return the candidate ID

    Input_Controls/StudentD : use the student finder

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