Add Backend support and REST interface for Exam Delete

Issue #1388 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

This will for now provide a means of deleting an incorrectly added exam, as a sysops operation. Evntually this can be made accessible from the front-end, with adequate security and validation.

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Exams without exCode exist in both MIEMIS and FEDEMIS systems. This procedure will be used to clean these up. After these records are removed , make exCode and exYear mandatory on Exams table.

    As well, make the primary key (on int exID Identity) CLUSTERED. Indexes on Identities should be clustered, indexes on uniqueidentifiers definitely should NOT be clustered!

  2. Brian Lewis reporter

    In MIEMIS the 3 records 107 108 109 without exCode have been correctly loaded as 110 M03. They have been removed in production and MIEMIS-TEST

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    examWriteX.DeleteExam has been created and propogated through databases.

    Not accessible via app backend, but few Delete operations are.

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