Support remote users through CDNs

Issue #161 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Currently remote users connecting to kemis or siemis (and potentially rmi) will struggle to load the required javascript libraries across the slow connection to those sites. These users woud do better to load the common libraries from CDN. On the other hand, in-country users face the exact opposite problem - they are much better off loading the javascript from their local server, which may be on the lan, rather than from the public internet.

1) decide specifically what libraries we'd like to get from Cdn, and which cdn 2) figure out how to implement that conditional loading of the appropriate script tags, using cshtml and bundling/minification in MVC 3) implement the ?remote option 4) think about trying to automate the default value for the remote option based on client and server IP addresesses.

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Libraries to load - start with the big five - jquery - d3 - lodash - bootstrap - angular

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