Books Module UI Cleanup

Issue #185 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

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Comments (9)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Some questions regarding Books module:

    • In the UI of Holdings IU there is a Location Type, Location and a Name field. In the BookCount table I only see the columns bkcntLocType and bkcntLoc, where is the name and what is location type and location? Should this not be linked to Schools?

    • The Curriculumn and Holding Tabs are deactivated by default. Is currently the only way to activate them to put the data in the DB directly in BookCount (Holdings) and SetBook (Curriculumn)?

    • The SetBook has Year and Class Level. What is year? The year since the book as been part of the curriculumn for that particular class level?

    • In Books what are the mandatory Book Type (lkpBookTG)? I thought book types are eather fiction or non-fiction? Is this book genre? Or used in some other specific ways?

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Location - I've made this more general than School, because there are other places that books may be held - in particular at a Central Repository; or provincial office etc.

    So if bkcntLocType = 'S' then bkcntLoc is a school number. For now, this is the only type of stock record you may need.

    In SI, there is the plan to also hold stock at the ministry warehouse; LocationType = "W", locn = "ERU" ( education resource unit)

  3. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Curriculum and holding tabs are active if there is data. In SI this data was imported from spreadsheets that were already in existence.

  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    SetBook records whether the book is an official resource in a given school year, and if so, what class level that book is used in. I envisaged that this would be a complete booklist each year, probably copied over from the previous year, then modified.

  5. Brian Lewis repo owner

    TG is whether the book is a Teacher Guide or Learner Book. there is also a subject reocrded on the book record.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Location - I've made this more general than School, because there are other places that books may be held - in particular at a Central Repository; or provincial office etc.

    The still does not say what is the (localtion) Name in the UI but I don't see a corresponding field in the DB.

    Curriculum and holding tabs are active if there is data. In SI this data was imported from spreadsheets that were already in existence.

    So there is no yet anyway to maintain this data from the UI, right?

  7. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    SetBook records whether the book is an official resource in a given school year, and if so, what class level that book is used in. I envisaged that this would be a complete booklist each year, probably copied over from the previous year, then modified.

    What's the advantage of this compare to not copy from previous year. This only needs to be changed if it no longer is an official resource for a given year(s). I'm in favour of simplifying here I think.

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