Workbook Issues as of May 2018

Issue #353 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Sorting out the workbook issues is the highest priority and a blocker.

Address various issues, concerns, and question with the current version of the workbook

  • Data validation in the workbook for transfers it does not work for 2017
  • Look at options in "Transferred from which school", what about from other countries?
  • Teacher change of title in workbook, would that create a new appointment? It seems this would be the desired outcome here in Kosrae, but then how to know the difference between changing a title to create a new teacher appointment versus changing a title to correct in incorrect one.
  • Teacher class assignment data collection (e.g. math, reading, etc.) similar to how it is done with grades assignment in workbook (lower priority)
  • Change how age date cut-off is determined. It does not seem to be inline with FSM/RMI
  • Does School Type (i.e. Public/Private go in schClass? This is where we expect it)
  • There is not School Levels (i.e. the pineapples' school type) column in workbook that should go in schType)
  • Missing Authority and Region/District/Electoral Division after workbook data load.

This should only be considered complete once the Workbook Enrolment summary matches exactly those in UI and JasperReports

Comments (23)

  1. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    It seems the school survey resources are not being cleaned up and therefore will just keep on adding the same ones everything the workbook is uploaded. See loadNdoeWash procedure below.


    Actually, some resources are cleaned up (Power Supply).


    But the ICT and other resources keep pilling up when re-uploading workbooks.

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Double FROM SQL clause in loadNdoeWash.


    Toilets are not being added by procedure. Toilets table empty no matter how many workbooks are uploaded. Also WASH resources not added by this procedure.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Workbook upload process needs to handle validation error better. The Kosrae workbook shows a completed successfully as below.


    Yet no data is imported. This is true for other state workbooks as well. Running the procedure with the generated XML directly in SQL Server yield the following error.


    First make sure the error is returned to user with instructions on what user should fix in the workbook. Or if this is something that can programmatically be fixed on the fly (e.g. needs an escape character) then do that silently and try validate again.

    But when it says completed the data should all have loaded successfully in the database.

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Is the table StudentEnrolments_ emptied everytime a new workbook uploaded? Because when I upload for example Chuuk workbook, only chuuk enrolment records are in there. I then upload Kosrae workbook and only the kosrae enroments are in there?! The below suggest only the enrolments for the current schools for a particular state workbook should be cleaned up but why they all disappear and only the remaining are from the last workbook.


  5. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    A rollover on a clean workbook has a empty row in the first row of all School, Student, Staff and WASH sheets as shown below.

  6. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Need to unprotect sheet to enter absence data.

    Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 10.54.13 AM.png

    Also, the number 0 absent days is not validating and cell remains red.

    Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 10.55.48 AM.png

  7. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    The rollover display multiple of the same files as shown below.


    The other problem is that the default size of the cell is too short to properly display whole filenames. We need something at least twice that length to be convenient.

  8. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    In RMI we have students rollover from Grade 8 into Grade Pre-9 which is incorrect. They should upon successful completion high school entrance exam go to grade 9. Upon unsuccessful high school exam they go into Pre-9 for one year after which they rollover to grade 9 the year after.

    Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 11.27.12 AM.png

    Also in most cases the student will no longer attend the same primary school but disappear from at rollover of Grade 8. The student will then be entered into the workbook of the secondary school at which they will attend.

  9. Brian Lewis repo owner

    The rollover display multiple of the same files as shown below.

    resolved in Chuuk 2017-18 - -- (remove local definition of Booklist name on Rollover sheet)

  10. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Need to unprotect sheet to enter absence data.

    Not seeing this in current workbooks?

    Also, the number 0 absent days is not validating and cell remains red.

    Resolved in Chuuk 2017-18 workbook ( change of conditional formatting definition)

  11. Brian Lewis repo owner

    With default length of cell we do not see the date of schools as shown below.

    The cell uses the default short date format as set up on the computer - this is safest when we have American date in use on some machines, probably not on development machines. In the machine showing this behaviour, the defayult short date seems to include time, as you can see from the formula bar in the screen sshot:

    Summary this best addressed by setting the Windows short date format appropriately on the computer.

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