Create a pie chart on Enrolment dashboard for Public/Private

Issue #444 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Create a new dashboard component to display a pie chart for public vs private enrolments.

This can be modelled on the existing bar chart, but use the dc-pie component.

Can i suggest;

in Unselected mode, it displays a pie splitting between public and private ( ie based on dimAuthorityGovt)

in SelectedMode, it can display more detail: split enrolments by Authority.

@ghachey your thoughts on this?

@jeremy_kells this will be a new component so will minimize chances of conflicts with what I am doing #442

Comments (1)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    feat(dashboard): Enrolment by Authority/AuthorityGovt

    Pie Chart showing Enrolment by Authority when selected, EnrolmentGovt when !selected

    closes #444

    → <<cset da19ad24c513>>

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