Create xtable component to render crosstabs built from crossfilter

Issue #449 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

See comments in #446, #448.

issue #448 delivers the outline of the component

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Just pulled from the server and some comments on your work in progress on this -

    I just want this component to handle the rendering of the table, so it doesn't need the bindings you have introduced for the headings.

    This 'widget' will be referenced in the template for dashboard components. Those templates take care of the headings and the filter display by sections in the cshtml master page.

    Let's get this part of it done; adapt some existing dashboard components to use it; then you can do issue #462 which will add a lot of functionality.

  2. Jeremy Kells

    Did I push something? hmm, I had a couple of false starts on this one, but the version I have now is looking good - I'll clean out unneeded stuff and push it shortly

    . What was on the server is probably one of the false starts that saved to a branch before reverting and trying something else.... - Sourcetree probably had 'push immediately' selected when I committed

  3. Ghislain Hachey

    feat(dashboard): Create xtable component to render crosstabs built from crossfilter

    Created cross-tab component, plus bar-chart, pie-chart, simple-table Created examples in Enrolments dashboard using them all.

    closes #449

    → <<cset b8927e2a7655>>

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