Warehouse - change treatment of 'Support' staff in warehouse.SchoolTeacherCount

Issue #518 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Don't disaggregate by support / non-support - but treat support as a value field in this table. NumTeachers , Certified, Qualified etc are net of Support staff; ie teaching staff only.

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    New thinking 14 5 2019:

    Keep this table in its exisitng structure, disaggregating on Support - but 😀

    • rename the table as warehouse.schoolStaffCount
    • rename the column NumTeachers to NumStaff

    Next, create a view to warehouse.schoolTeacherCount in the same structure as warehouse.DistrictTeacherCount

    Note that all support staff should be sector NULL.

    So the “patching” of sector based on the school type (see warehouse.buildTeacherLocation) needs to recognize this and not assign sector to Support staff.

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    Since we are on teacher and warehouse stuff. I’d like to ask about the possibility to bring the “Funding Source” into the TeacherSurvey and ultimately into the warehouse as an additional disaggregation. I know our funders would like this in reports. Thoughts?

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    Revisiting this, because there is a lot of inconsistency on the source data, that we need to interpret to come up with numbers of support staff, and classification of duties (TAM = Teaching Admin Mixed or Other X

    this can be inferred from the survey data following some general principals:

    wherever there is a grade specified then this person is a teacher, not support staff.

    If they also do Admin or Other, then there duties are Mixed ( M )

    If there is no grade specified, but Admin is specified then their duties are A

    Support staff must be classified as non-teaching, and as well, the job title is not like ‘Teacher’ or ‘Principal’

    Grade specified Admin Other StaffType Job Description Outcome: TAM Outcome: Support
    Y T
    Y Y M
    Y Y M
    Y Teaching A
    Y Non ‘Teacher’ A
    Y A Support
    Y Teaching X
    Y Non ‘Teacher’ X
    Y X Support
    Teaching T
    Non ‘Teacher’ A
    Non X Support

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